
Creative Writing Inc.

Ahhh Another Award… May 2, 2014

EDIT: Forgot to post the rules…



You never know if you’re doing something right until you get nominated 20 times for the same award (my most FAVORITE award). Maybe I should start a trophy shelf…THAT’D be cool.

ANYWAYS, I’d like to thank the wonderful Adrian Sanchez. I have absolutely no idea who you are, but I’ll go ahead and assume you’re awesome since I was nominated. *Gold star.*

You’re welcome.

Now, first off, I would like to express my confusion…I did in no way know that we were supposed to post 11 random facts about ourselves before we get on to answering the questions. WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?

Are you guys hiding rules from me…? Because if you are, then THE JOKES ON YOU because I never would have found out it was a joke anyways. So HA!

1) I really really like pie Like, more than cake. Really

2) I also really REALLY like Nutella Especially on bagels…IT’S JUST SO GOOD

3) I do not like chocolate with nuts in it …who does?

5) I just skipped fact number four

6) And now I’m going to put it after fact number seven

7) And you just looked to see if it’s there, which it’s not But that’s a fact about you, and not me

8)  I REALLY LIKE SCARING THE CRAP OUT OF PEOPLE April Fool’s is one of my most favorite holiday’s in existence

9) I have three sisters All of which are little monsters whom I adore

4) I put number four back You’re welcome, #4

10) When I was picking what language I wanted to do for high school, I couldn’t decide on whether I wanted to do Spanish or French, so, in a spur-of-the-moment decision, I went with French. But they uploaded Spanish. So I told them I wanted French One of the worst decision’s I have ever made ever

11) I didn’t get a cell phone until last year The pain I felt when I saw 7-year olds with iPhone’s…


The Questions:


What are you reading right now? Well, I just finished reading the Red Badge of Courage for literature, but I’m still kind of reading it because I have to write a literary analysis on it. I’m also 1 page in to my honors lit book, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (gosh, I don’t hate you Twain, but really, you suck sometimes).
How do you choose which books you want to read? Wow, I just now really looked at all these questions, and they all have to do with reading or writing…where’s the “Do you pick your nose when you sleep?” questions?

How do I choose…hm. That’s a good question. I have an account on goodreads, so I’ll usually read whatever’s popular for teens (sometimes. sometimes the popular books look TERRIBLE) or whatever my friend’s suggest or whatever book it says I might like or whatever book looks like it won’t end in heartbreak and tears and broken plates and such.
What is your writing process? For creative writing? Or for school? Well, I guess it’s about the same both ways…so NEVERMIND, don’t answer that. The way I write is by brain dump. I put everything on paper and try not to stop until I’m finished (otherwise, all my literature papers would look like my short stories…nonexistent/not finished).
Which author do you admire and why? OOOO that’s a HARD one…like, really hard. Really REALLY hard. Really REally REAlly REALy REALLY hard. And I’m probably just going to procrastinate on this question until the end of humanity.
What is your favorite place to write and why? …On my computer….mostly because my writing sucks when I’m writing on paper. Plus, I type faster than I write, so I can get all my ideas down faster. I can’t WAIT until somebody invents a computer that has a headpiece that you can put on, and all your brain information gets sent to the computer….
What books are you looking forward to this year? That Are Coming Out: The One (IT BETTER NOT END WEIRD OR I’LL BE SO MAD AT HER THERE WON’T EVEN BE WORDS JUST LOTS OF GIBBERISH SOUNDING YELLING), The Blood Of Olympus (THAT ONE BETTER NOT END WEIRD EITHER WITH EVERYBODY DEAD/ DYING ALL OVER THE PLACE OR I’LL FIND RIORDAN’S FREAKING ADDRESS AND SEND HIM A LETTER ABOUT HOW MAD I AM AT HIM EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE), anddd I can’t think of anymore right now. That I Need To Read: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Emerald Green, Sisters, The Book Thief, Paper Towns, The Origami Yoda etc etc etc.
When did you first start writing? Ninth grade. It started with a story (that failed), then I went into poetry (that, looking back, mostly sucked), then back to writing stories I’ve never finished. I did, however, start writing songs (the lyrics) a little bit earlier than ninth grade. THOSE, I must admit, I’m proud of. Well, most of them. Some of them I laugh at so hard, and wonder what on earth I was thinking…
What is the first book you can remember reading?

Probably something close to this

Probably something close to this

Have you ever taking any writing classes? YES YES I HAVE. It was in 9th grade, and I met the girl that taught me a habit that would eventually get me in trouble (no…it wasn’t stealing….and no….it had nothing to do with profanity…yeesh you guys’re judgmental). I even remember her name (the teacher, not the girl)…Mrs. Card (get it? Card? hehehe……no? okay then).
Who is your favorite literary character? Augustus freaking Waters and Ignifex. If I ever get married…it’ll be to one of them. And yes, that was the sound of me willingly throwing all other potential suitors out the window.

What is your favorite classic book? Hmmm…I think I’m going to say The Wizard of Oz or The Glass Menagerie (that totally and completely counts). OH OH OH OR A PRINCESS BOOK! I love princess books. Or really any fairytale for that matter…so maybe I’ll just say this.




What is your favorite flavor toothpaste?

Are you scared of planes/heights/flying?

How many cups of water do you drink and WHY AREN’T YOU DRINKING MORE (don’t worry, I am also victim of the I’mateenagerandIdon’tneedwaterduh plague)??

What was your favorite children’s show when you were, you know, a kid and stuff?

About what age did you lose your first tooth (by either natural or unnatural means)?

What is your most favorite book (you can ONLY PICK ONE and you CANNOT say ‘I don’t know’. That is an inexcusable answer)?

What is your most favorite pie (again, you can only pick one and I DON’T KNOW ISN’T AN ANSWER)?

Have you ever tried to fly away in a cardboard box?

What is your favorite color?

What is your LUCKY color (and no, it can’t be the same color as your favorite color…there’s a difference)?




Second of all, NOW here are the people I’ve nominated (who over over-talented with too few followers):

A Little Something About Ly

Blaze’s Blog

Simply Miko


And whoever else!



12 Responses to “Ahhh Another Award…”

  1. I have that problem a lot of the time too.
    Yeah. Follower rage. XD

  2. A.R.Wolf Says:

    I don’t know if I should answer your questions, but I’m going to anyway…deal with it…
    1) I didn’t know there were different flavors or toothpaste…
    2) I’m skiddish of heights, but not really afraid of it or planes or flying.
    3) A few a day, and I don’t drink more because I’m not thirsty…dammit…
    4) I didn’t really have a favorite kids show when I was a kid, but I LOVED the old Looney Toons.
    5) I have no idea when I lost my first tooth. I was a tiny child then…
    6) My favorite book? How about series: Fablehaven.
    7) No, I have never tried to fly away in a cardboard box to my knowledge.
    8) Favorite color is a tie between ice blue and bright green.
    9) Lucky color is dark blue.

    • Nope, you’re all good on the question answering :3
      1)…..well of COURSE there is. There’s mint and cinnamon and….mint…..and mint…OH AND ORANGE(ish) and mint and stuff
      2) same here
      4)Awww I love it when people bring up a show I’ve totally forgotten about
      5) …well then
      6) You know, I still need to read those/that
      7) Well you are COMPLETELY missing out…you clearly did not have enough fun as a child smh
      8/9) Oooo nice colors
      Thank you for commenting!!

  3. […] thanks to poohloversunite for nominating me for this. I just can’t deny these awards. They boost my self-esteem and […]

  4. Alrighty.
    1) Mint. Not freeze-your-mouth mint, but just that mint that you get in Tic Tacs.
    2) I’m a fan of planes, but I’m not scared of them, either. As for heights… As long as I’m able to land on something soft if I fall. Like dirt.
    3) The equivalent of ten bottles. I don’t like being thirsty, plus I tend to get bored.
    4) Blue’s Clues.
    5) Around three to four years old. I think.
    6) At the moment; Virals by Kathy Reichs. My favorite book changed by the week. Or day. Or month. It depends.
    7) Pumpkin all the way. With whipped cream.
    8) Yes. Multiple times.
    9) Blue.
    10) I… Don’t know.

  5. Why THANK YOU lady PoohLover!!! What an honor to be considered!☺️ I’d like to thank God and my mom, and… *kidding* I truly appreciate! 💋 (Now off to follow your other nominees!)

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