
Creative Writing Inc.

While the Merry Bells Keep Ringing and Ringing and Ringing… December 22, 2013

Filed under: CHRISTMAS,Uncategorized — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 6:03 pm

So after clicking around a little bit, I’ve realized that feelings toward Christmas and the holidays are, shall we say, diverse. Half of everybody loves it (yay, santa! yay, more food! yay, driving to grandma’s house! woo-hoo!) and the other half is a little more….well, a little more like this:

Trish: Hey Alex! I hear it’s supposed to snow tomorrow!

Alex: Snow? But it’s October…

Trish: ….Uh, no….It’s December….

Alex: IT’S WHAT?!?

Trish: Yeah…December 22nd…


It’s also that time of year everybody talks about dying (I wonder how many more years my christmas lights will not-explode…), gets into debates on whether or not to say Merry Christmas* or not, and no one can forget about commercialism. All this lovely commercialism.

♫ It’s that time of year… ♪


Sorry, it's kinda made out of paper...

Sorry, it’s kinda made out of paper…


Something is not right

Something is not right

And we’ll all sit on our couches

cough pic

And watch the shoppers go at it

You'd think they'd stay home after watching the Black Friday news...

You’d think they’d stay home after watching the Black Friday news…

Together ♥

Merry Christmas guys!

merry christmas!


*You shouldn’t. Not everybody celebrates christmas, so leave your debate and deal with it. Besides, that’s what the all purpose ‘Season’s Greetings’ and ‘Happy Holiday’s is for. Although…now that I think about it, nobody ever says ‘Season’s Greetings’. Like, at all. What, did the card companies need a christmas-y phrase only they could use without it sounding weird? Those dang card companies. Always trying to take advantage of the less fortunate.


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