
Creative Writing Inc.

The Sisterhood of Bloggers Award January 8, 2015

Fancy Shmancy, huh?

Fancy Shmancy, huh?

Okay, so I literally got this award 4 months ago, but that was back when I was still an unpublished, unappreciated artist, struggling to make due with the little money I had.

I’m actually still an unpublished, unappreciated, artist that’s poor, so I guess that’s really no excuse. SO, I’m going to go ahead and post the rules and answer the questions now!

After thanking the most wonderful erinkenobi2893 (loving the name darling…don’t think I’ve ever told you that).

Rules: Show the icon on your blog, answer questions, make up new questions, nominate bloggers, and notify them of the nomination.

(On A Random Side Note: I love my sisters so much.)

Questions (Prepare Yourself):

  1. How many times in a day do you look things up online, on average? Oh, my life is online, so I look up stuff all the time. Sometimes I still have to look up my school’s official website…
  2. What is the strangest thing you have ever said to anyone? UGH, I DIDN’T KNOW THESE WOULD BE HARD QUESTIONS!! How about I say the strangest thing I’ve ever thought about someone? Recently, that is. I’m pulling a Dory right now. So this one time, a random guy just walked up to me and started talking, and all I could think was “…He is cute. He is talking. He’s talking to me. Why is he talking to me?” I didn’t even completely register what he said until he walked away.
  3. Since my dad is having us watch The Avengers and all the movies leading up to them… who’s your favorite Avenger? ;-) CAPTAIN AMERICA. The Winter Soldier movie totally changed my mind. Before him, it was Iron Man. I love how arrogant but witty he was in all his movies. I think it’s hilarious.
  4. Which Avenger are you most like, in your opinion? In your friends’ opinions? None. My sister also says none.
  5. If you had to pick one–just one–fictional character to be caught with in the middle of a natural disaster (or a nuclear war, take your pick) who would you choose? Erm, captain america? I feel like he’d figure out a way to keep me alive. But then again, he’d probably try to be all heroic and sacrifice himself or something crazy like that. Superheroes these days….sheesh!
  6. Oddest thing you’ve sung in the shower? I was in a really random, ridiculously happy mood this one time, so I just put a tune to random words, and I sang it for awhile. I stopped in the middle of my shower, but then I picked back up randomly 2 hours later. I think it had something to do with potatos and cows and school buses, I don’t really remember.
  7. What is the biggest thing you’ve had malfunction about your account or blog? (Mine is the elusive “like” button which I have often complained about.) I actually don’t think I’ve had any big problems at all. YAY, KARMA EXISTS :’D We should probably call the CIA now…
  8. Favorite kind of fruit? Mangoes, pineapple, strawberries, peaches, apricots, green grapes, granny smith apples, any kind of crunchy apple….actually, pretty much any fruit other than raisins and bananas (does anybody else have to double check how they spell bananas?)
  9. What book/movie/poem/short story has made the biggest impact on you lately? OH, THIS. I literally watched it an hour ago, and cried my face off. I also watched another one where a bunch of kids flash mobbed a NYC station (I would so love to do that…follow your dreams guys!) and one with little babies (I’m not sure how big the impact they made on my was…but THEY’RE SO CUTE).
  10. And, last but not least, what was the funniest thing you read recently? Please share! ;-) The comment I made for this post. I didn’t realize we were so funny.

Nominations: I think the Sisterhood of Traveling-I mean, uh, of Bloggers, should be available to everybody! Boys included! LET’S MAKE IT WORLDWIDE, BABY.

Oh wait…it already is? Well then…Oh well, anybody can answer my questions then!

My Questions: I liked a lot of the original ones, so I’m going to just give the go-ahead to answer the same questions that I did!

How do these posts end up being so long?


I couldn’t find a box of donuts that didn’t look gross or have dunkin donuts on it September 14, 2014

Freaking crap, I leave for a few months, and BAM! WordPress looks like something worthy of the title ‘2014’. And I haven’t even looked at everything yet, apparently.


I wouldn’t know, I haven’t actually looked yet. I also forget how to turn it on. But I’m pretty sure I had it so that it would turn on whenever it’s supposed to turn on. I’m not really sure.

ANYWHO, I just wanted to reassure everyone that I’m alive, and that school hasn’t killed me yet. I haven’t actually written anything remotely funny lately (well, there was this one thing, but I just sprinkled some funny stuff ’cause it was supposed to be one of those serious thingies), so don’t be surprised if you’re severely disappointed at my loss of ‘skillz’.

In the coming weeks/days, I’m going to try to log on and write some sentences about what’s been going on. Because there’s been a TONNNNNN going on. Like, you have no idea. I can’t even try to tell it all write now because ti would take hours. Literally, hours. So I’ll spread it out between a few days, while telling you what’s happening that day (which will be Everything or Nothing).

I would start now, but I’m kinda hungry…sooo here’s a picture of foods so that you guys can suffer with me.

I am nothing if not generous.

I am nothing if not generous.

I bid you all adieu!


The Post In Which I Include A Picture of Tyler Perry Dressed As A Woman July 13, 2014

Hello my wonderful fellow bloggers! It’s been awhile since I posted an actual post (June 16th, to be precise), so I decided to relieve your tired eyes (that should be asleep) and grace you with my amazing wit and funnyness.


So guys, this could just me being, well, me, but I am one of those people who like to know where I stand. I like to know the kind of person I’m talking too. I like to know what they think of me and so on and so forth.

What? I’m a girl, okay? I can’t be COMPLETELY perfect…

Just kidding, I am.

(Just kidding.)

But anyways, has it ever bothered anyone else when you’re talking to someone online (for me, it’s in my online classes for school), and you don’t know whether they’re a guy or a girl?

Tyler Perry? Madea? Tydea?

Tyler Perry? Madea? Tydea? Maperry?

Maybe it’s just a girl thing (or maybe it’s just a me thing) but it kind of bothers me. It didn’t used to…but now it does. Just a little. It’s kinda like an itch on your back. It’s hard to reach, but you can juuuuust scratch it. And then you go on your merry way, right?

But then 60 SECONDS LATER, it itches again.

There was this one time in 9th grade when I met this person in my English class. Their name was Dakota. I had a friend whose name was Dakota, and she’s a girl, so I thought “HEY LOOK! Another girl Dakota!! :D”

*Fast-forward to the middle of second semester*

A lot of the high school students had to switch homeroom teacher because our system was changing, so I ended up having the same HR teacher as Dakota. So we were all introducing ourselves and this one girl was like “I’m sorry for asking this Dakota, but I was just wondering…are you a girl or a boy?” to which he replied “Haha, no problem. I’m a guy :)”

That whole semester and a half of which he was my friend, I had assumed he was a girl. So I acted like he was a girl, without directly saying anything that SOUNDED like I thought he was a girl. I told my best guy friend later, and he laughed so hard…I kinda wanted to punch him in the shoulder, but 1) he lived on the other side of the state and 2) it was kinda of funny.

Just a teeny bit.

But WHILE I’m on the topic of genders, HOW CAN YOU PROPERLY SAY AN ANIMAL PICTURE IS CUTE WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT GENDER IT IS!? I mean, you’d either have to say “AWWWW! [Fill in the Blank] is so cuuuuuuute!” or “AWWWW! It’s so cuuuuuuuute!”

You can’t go around saying [Fill in the blank]! That’s ridiculous! And you can’t say IT. It’s not an it. It has a gender. ANIMALS HAVE FEELINGS TOO.



5 MONTHS LATER_UPDATE: Despite the over abundant use of capitalization, I was completely calm while writing this post…just wanted to throw that out there.


I Can’t. Believe. It’s Summer. June 16, 2014


Okay, so last time I actually wrote something (other than yesterday) was May 26th (…sorry guys) and THE WORLD has happened since then.

Okay, not exactly literally…but you know what I mean.

But for real. Since then I have:

  • Signed up for a college class (Accounting I…and no, I do NOT want to be an accountant…more like an event planner or a singer)

    Cause sometimes, you just wanna put a book on your head

    Cause sometimes, you just have to put a book on your head

  • Got into the National Honors Society (BUH BAM!).
  • Made doughnuts

    And they were delicious

    And they were delicious

  • Printed out a list of 100 Things I Need To Do This Summer (that may or may not me cooler…but whatever, it sounded fun).
  • Emailed my friend that I haven’t heard from in MONTHS

    To which I got this response Don't you just love him?

    To which I got this response
    Don’t you just love him?

  • Got my second semester grades back from the school (ALL. FREAKING. A’S. *sheds a lone tear of joy :’D**okay maybe a few lone tears of joy**okay, maybe a sob of joy**okay, maybe a RIVER of tears of joy…..you get the point**but despite all these asterisks, I didn’t actually cry at all**so yup*)
  • I got a Skype account

    How I've waited for this moment.

    How I’ve waited for this moment.

  • Spread love to the universe (..well, I’m working on it)
  • Started writing a story with a friend (just wait til I show you guys some of it)(!!!!!)
  • And wrote you guys a story/post about doughnuts, videochatting, asterisks, and a river of tears.

My work here is done.


My Review for Paper Towns by John Green: May 26, 2014

John Green…I love you. Like, seriously love you. Are you married? Is there somewhere I can file a marriage request? Courting request? Dating request? Polishing shoes request? I’ll do one of them. Or two. Or all. It all works.
But I LOVE this book. The Fault in Our Stars is still the best…BUT THIS IS DEFINITELY THE SECOND. How come they’re not making a movie out of this one? I mean, I would totally watch it… and it wouldn’t even have be as heart-wrenching as the Stars movie is going to be. I mean, what actor wouldn’t want to fake-break into Sea World? I WOULD! I mean, I’m not an actor or anything….but still.
Now, I love it with all my heart (I really do) but we do have a few problemo’s…
1) Quentin was too mushy. John (can I call you John?), sweetheart (that too?), I know you were trying to make it all deep and fill up pages and what-not, but the conversations Q had with himself were a teeny bit too deep. I mean, I have deep thoughts and all, but not THAT deep. That’s like, drowning in the ocean after playing with sharks deep. At some points in the story, the deep-ness was good. I got it. But at other points…he should have had less girl-ish thoughts. Just saying.
2) Q was a tiny bit obsessed with Margo. For real. Long-time crush or no, that’s kinda creepy.

But otherwise, I think it was all good. I FREAKING LOVED THE ROAD TRIP, though. That was by far my most FAVORITE part of the ENTIRE book.

Now about those shoe polishing requests…


I totally stole this from the mr. magorium’s wonder emporium movie November 5, 2013

So, you’ll NEVER GUESS what I found yesterday…


Yes, it was magical. SO MAGICAL, I had to make my own post for it.Okay, it wasn’t really magical, I was just really bored and I felt like writing something.

But on a DIFFERENT note, I am AWESOME.

Oh, and I’m looking into joining the National League of Junior Cotillions. That doesn’t start til May, but hey, early planning never hurt anybody.

Except for the person that pre-planned his death. That hurt him.

Oh, and it’s raining today. Just thought I’d put that out there.


I’m Wishing (I’m wishing) for some pumpkin pie, to find me (to find me) today (today) November 1, 2013

You know, the two most awesome things that I did yesterday was that I had a conversation with the whiteboard (YES, I DO TALK TO MYSELF. I can be normal….kidding). and that I wrote to computer ghosts.

On another note about crazy comments leaving my mouth, this morning, me and two of my friends were talking about being 16 and dating and all in the middle of class, and after a little while, I randomly blurted out, I have a husband (or I’m married…something crazy like) and Emma looked at me like I was nuts, and Laura…you know that face people make when the spit water out in the movies? Yeah, she looked like she would’ve done that if she had any water. It REALLY is the most amusing thing, watching people’s reactions when I say that.

And just to clarify, I’m not ACTUALLY married. I mean, if fake marriages were legal, then right now, I’m married to 4 guys…so thank goodness they’re not!

And it’s probably time for another one of those 30-day challenge questions….you know, it’s hilarious because instead of taking the 30-days it was supposed to originally take, it took almost a year. I find this VERY amusing. But HERE is lovely number 28.

28) If you had three wishes, what would they be?

1. More wishes.

2. Famous singer/songwriter.

3. The ability to make friends with whoever I want at will (okay, this is the one that’s most likely to come true…but even for a people person like me, it’s HARD).


Oh….I see how it is October 3, 2013

22) Find a horoscope site and post yours.

Okay, so I went to the girls life horoscope site (WELL I DIDN’T WANT A SITE WHERE IT SAYS ‘This month, you should invest your money into such and such type of company because such and such month on such and such day is a bad day to invest in such and such and make sure you pay special attention to blah blah blah etc etc etc’), and it SAYS:

Capricorn: This is a good week to prove yourself on the sports field, showing your coaches and teammates that you’re a superstar. Run that extra mile, push a little harder in warm ups, score up all the goals! It may feel as if others are trying to work against you, but they might actually just be trying to help.

…I might not be the brightest crayon in the box, but I’ve learned not to exactly put my whole entire trust in horoscopes. Sure, they give good advice (like in this one, pushing extra hard to make sure that you’re doing your best is a great thing), and I’m all for it, but for ONE thing, I’m not enrolled in any sports. I suck at like, all of them (that’s not the REASON I’m not enrolled in anything, however). And two, they have to make this for 2097093673092709 other people that have their birthday’s around the same time as you do.

So while horoscopes are fun to look at and read and make fun of or whatever you like to do with them, they’re just not THAT awesome. Not awesome enough to be like OH MY GOSH IT SAYS TO WATCH THIS SHOW ALL DAY AND I WILL IF IT MEANS I’LL HAVE TO SKIP WORK OR DIE TRYING. That’s just creepy. Just saying.


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All the Cute Stuff You Love to See Everyday!


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