
Creative Writing Inc.

Continuation of the White House post thingy December 12, 2012

Filed under: in the beginning,keeping it real,OHHHH THE HUMANITY — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 8:10 pm

So I asked some of my friends why the heck the White House needed so many social pages, and I got an answer from two of them….

WOW I’m never doing that again.

Just an fyi, you never know how deeply you care about polotics until somebody starts a debate about the presidential election…

On a more interesting/happier note, almost all of my friends and I will be able to vote at the next election! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?

I’ve gotten so old…. *tries to delicately sniff but ends up sounding like I’m wheezing*


The White House joins Pinterest, invites users to holiday social

The White House joins Pinterest, invites users to holiday social.

What the heck?!?

First of all, I must confess, I did NOT read the entire thing…I read until about the little picture with the tweet or facebook post or whatever, and then I just scrolled to the bottom.

Second of all, I didn’t know The White House had so many social network pages….sheesh


Okay, I’m done with my rambling :3


IT’S 12/12/12 ALREADY?!?

Filed under: in the beginning,keeping it real,Uncategorized — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 8:09 am

Actually, I didn’t even know until my friend told me this morning…so YOUR NOT INCREDIBLY LATE LIKE ME, IT’S OKAY!

I celebrated my birthday with some of my friends early this morning (although why today, of all days, I have no clue), and GOSH it was fun! We had doughnuts and these orange roll thingies (which tastes so freakin awesome)…it was just fun.

Two favorite songs of the moment:

Don’t You Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia(I first heard this yesterday….MAN it’s awesome)(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1MN4pR5wXM)


Red by Taylor Swift (GOSH I LOVE HERRRR) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBkJ9QFWGBw)


LAAAAAAA December 10, 2012

Filed under: 30 day challenge,LIKE A BAWS,Uncategorized — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 3:55 pm

1) Post 10 facts about yourself.

1. I hate raisins. And cucumbers. And dried cranberries. And Raisin Bran.

2. I’m currently in a relationship with my first bf (WOOT WOOT)

3. The first thing I look for when I make friends is their level of hysterical-ness

4. I’ll read almost anything you put in front of me.

5. I wish I had thunderstorm gray eyes (And ONLY because that’s Athena’s eye color)

6. I LOOOOOOVE Pooh (as you can tell from my blog name). And Elmo is my absolute favorite furry animal thing-y EVER. Like, seriously, I’d do almost anything to have the real Elmo puppet.

7. I still love/watch/listen to all things Disney (how can you NOT?!?)

8. I like almost all of my guy friends (please don’t ask about that…)

9. I used to e completely and utterly clean…..til I met KALEB’S (he’s under code name here….just for the record) friends. I mean, I still am, just not completely anymore.



Turkey, Exams, and Christmas, OH MY!

Filed under: Uncategorized — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 2:15 pm

…don’t ask about the title, I’m feeling particularly ridiculous right now.

So today, I decided to test my friends to see what they would do if I pretended to be somebody else. Being in an online school, you think that’d be easy, right? DEAD WRONG. You can act as stupid and dumb as you want and they’ll still figure out it’s you…

But anyways, they harassed me almost to tears (most of those tears were because I was laughing SO. HARD. and there freakishly sad attempts to make me feel bad) and then they locked me in an online room…to which a nearly fell out of my chair because I was laughing so hard.

I guess that’s what friends are for…but (okay brace yourself…I’m about to go all out O.O) they did say some stuff that really hurt my feelings (GOSH I never thought I’d say that…I sound like I’m 2 or something) and everything that I have recently been feeling…they put it into words. After I stopped laughing my head off, I went back to re-read what they wrote…and it made me feel so WORTHLESS. I mean, who wants friends that make you feel like that? One of them apologized, but the other one said that it was really stupid of me to even try that, and that he’ll never let me forget it.

Lovely way to start your week, right?


Not for myself, but for our world in neeeed December 9, 2012

Filed under: in the beginning,LIKE A BAWS — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 4:28 pm

Today is such a loooong daaaaay…and it’s not even over yet! Well, at least I got to go and SEE some actual civilization today; you can’t live long without it, you know.

SO, I think you all need a Friday update. SO we went to this festival/get together/ Christmas thingy for our town, and my dad took us (dad=ohmigoshwe’reallgonnadieWORLDPLEASETAKEMENOW)… thankfully, though, absolutely NO ONE – or at least, none of us- died. I’m very proud of him.

It was actually way more fun than I thought it would be. Turns out, there ARE guys between the ages of 12 and 18 and some of them are even moderately good-looking! And that’s saying something…I thought we lived in a town full of 65 year olds that were starting to lose their teeth or something. Maybe even a few limbs. And possibly a hair or too….or a wig.

So I made a list of ALL THE THINGS I’m absolutely determined to do before December is over:

1) Stick a marshmallow on a tree

2) Watch someone die (okay…that’s what you get for writing your list at 3 in the morning)

3) Pour cider into the grass right behind you to make it look like your peeing (…I worry about myself sometimes)

4) Sing Merry Christmas to the tune of Happy Birthday (I ALMOST did that one…but the moment I decided to do it with somebody, everybody left the singing premises)

5) Throw a snowball at someone and yell TAKE THAT YOU ZOMBIE! YOU CAN’T TAKE OVER MY PLANET

6) Ram a book into somebody’s back (where the heck did that come from? it’s not even christmas-y! unless I rammed a book about the true meaning of christmas into someone…then it’d be TOTALLY acceptable :D)

7) Sing terribly offtune to a random christmas carol while someone is playing the trombone (I don’t even know someone that plays the trombone?)

8) Eat as much candy as you can in 2 minutes (I’d run out…seriously)


10) Hand out toothbrushes as Christmas presents (OOOO, I know exactly when I’m going to do it too. hehehe…)


Imagine this December 8, 2012

Filed under: in the beginning,sounds like looooooooooooooove to me — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 9:22 pm

So, you’re on the phone with your absolute most bestest friend Liz, and you decide to make fun of your boyfriend. Sounds simple enough, right?

Turns out, what that ACTUALLY means is you’re on the other side of the phone laughing your freaking head off while your friend does AWFUL impressions of what he sounds like, but saying stuff he actually says.

Moral of the story?



30 Days…1 Person…1 Chance… 3 Bottles Of Toothpaste…

*sings* And a partrich ina pear treeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEE

sooooooo, I’m doing this becaaause, 1) like I said earlier, I’M SOOOOO BOOOOOOOOOORED because a certain SOMEONE won’t hurry up and call me, and 2) Elodie did this (or at least attempted) and she’s my current favorite person….

So I might as well give it a shot! Even if I end up failing miserably and somehow end up living in a ditch with 5 toddlers and 2 babies because I never ended up finishing this

But anywho:

1) Post 10 facts about yourself.
2) Write about the best friends you’ve had over the years.
3) If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you want to do?
4) Write about a period of time in your life where things seemed to be constantly going good.
5) Write about a period of time in your life where things were not so good.
6) When was the last time you were truly honest with someone? What was it about?
7) Post your favorite quote.
8 ) How do you feel today?
9) What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?
10) What’s the meanest thing anyone has ever said to you?
11) Write about the best day of your life.
12) Write about the worst day of your life.
13) What are your plans for the future? Far and near.
14) Post your favorite book, favorite movie, favorite band, and favorite food.
15) Write about something you worry about a lot.
16) Write about your relationship status.
17) Bullet your day.
18) Post one confession/ secret.
19) Write about your last birthday and how you plan to spend your upcoming birthday.
20) What did you eat today?
21) How has your life changed over the past year?
22) Find a horoscope site and post yours.
23) Talk about your crushes.
24) How was your week been?
25) Write about your first kiss.
26) Write about a childhood memory.
27) Where is somewhere you would want to visit?
28) If you had three wishes, what would they be?
29) Write about any particular habits/mannerisms that you have.
30) Where do you think you’ll be in 5 years?


Doing Absolutely Nothing…

Filed under: bored and doing nothing again,in the beginning — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 8:33 pm

So while I was out today, I saw the most interesting quote. It was on the back of this dudes shirt (what? HE WAS CUTE, OKAY??) and it said:

Admit Nothing
Deny everything

Words to live by :3


There’s no place like… December 7, 2012

Filed under: in the beginning,Uncategorized — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 4:56 pm


Gotcha didn’t I? You thought I was going to say home…hehehe.

So, instead of the normal embarrassing ramble that we’ll all regret reading sooner or later, I’m going to TOTALLY skip the last 14-almost-15 years of my life and start with today.

So, I was sitting here at my laptop randomly thinking about random things (what random thing will I say next? do dogs make faces when they give birth? where the heck did Darwin even dream-up the idea of evolution?) and realized I was hungry. SO, like any NORMAL person would, I got up and I got down the bag of chips (unless, of, course, your a NON-normal, UN-normal, SOMEONE-NEEDS-SOME-CHIPS-ASAP-NOT normal person who likes munching on carrots, which is fine by me). So after I opened the bag….lo, and behold, there was a quarter bag full of crushed chips awaiting my expectant eyes. So what did I do next, you wonder?

I started eating them.

After about a few handfuls of chips were eaten, my brain registered what just happened and thought, Waaaaaait a second…

SO! Then I yelled at every person who crossed paths with me that it was their fault that my bag of chips was crushed (including a random person driving down my street) and when my sisters asked for the remaining crumbes….I coughed in the bag and gave it to them!

See what I did there?


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