
Creative Writing Inc.

At The Very Least, Respect Your Teachers February 27, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 6:57 pm

I agree with this. Like, all the way. For a lot of 9th grade and some of 10th grade, I took advantage of some of things my teachers did for me. Now that I’m older(ish), I realize that if it wasn’t for them, I’d probably be a grade behind where I am right now. I’m really glad I had all the teachers that I did (even that -shall I say- weird one…..) and I hope that they’re able to go on in their teaching careers and inspire many more students.

Simply Miko

Coming from a high schooler’s perspective, I don’t think teachers get the appreciation they deserve these days. Personally, I believe that with every generation, the respect, love, and admiration for the men and women who actually give a damn about us has been steadily decreasing. And not only is it depressing, it’s infuriating.

It’s maddening for me because I see all the hard work teachers put in just so that their students can not only succeed in their  own classes but other classes, even life, as well. And yet, few seem to appreciate it. Or even understand that a lot of the things our instructors do for us are done out of love, because they sure as heck don’t have to do them.

View original post 1,393 more words


I Am REALLY Good At Giving Annoying Nicknames (It’s A Gift)

So the other day, I was talking to one of my best guy friends, and he was talking about how much he wanted to get off the computer/ stop doing school so that he could go outside.

Him: I’m WAITING so I can get off and go play in a creek I found yesterday. It literally stretches for like, a mile or two. It’s gonna be so fun. I’m gonna jump over it so many times! :D

Me:…Well…that sounds like a very….guy thing to do….BUT I’M EXCITED FOR YOU! You have fun! Jumping over your mile long creek…

So then the next day, I was asking him how it went.

Me: So how’re you, creek jumper boy?

Him: Life is turning out pretty well over here!

Me: Awesome!

Him:…CREEK JUMPER?! I actually didn’t go jump all I wanted to, but I did do it a couple of times.

Me: Dude, I said that forever ago…But I’m just saying, that still makes you a creek jumper boy

Him: Don’t nickname me that. I’m the guard, remember(we have this inside joke where I’m a princess and he’s a bodyguard…long story)?

Me: Dude, it’s WAY too late. You should’ve stopped it when it started.

Him: No, seriously. that’s stupid. All the other nicknames are fine(I give people TONS of nicknames)…just not that one.

Me: But it’s say fun to say…AND it’s cute! And it’s fun to say…AND IT’S ALSO TRUE



Him: No I’M NOT. I’m a simple human being that may or may not like to go to the creek.

Me: Well considering this has become an actual topic of conversation, I would think that yes, you do like the creek. And also that you are a forest person that somehow has a computer and password for internet connection.

Him: Whatever!! I ain’t no forest thingie

Me: Whaaaaateverrrr…

I LOVE my friends.


How Did This Even Happen… February 26, 2014

So this semester, I decided to take a Journalism as an elective. This, I thought, would be BEYOND perfect. When I was younger, I used to want to be a reporter (along with a football player, a ballerina, a doctor, and teacher, a botanist, and girl version of Watson…) and I already love to write.

PERFECT, I told myself.

So the week before last, we submitted a story proposal. I picked to cover a girl from a local high school that was one of 16 people who received a computing award.

Last week, we submitted possible interview questions.

Then we went over good leads and kickers and proper news story layouts.

Not ONCE that ENTIRE TIME did it occur to me that I’d ACTUALLY have to interview a REAL LIFE person. Not once. Ever.

Now, I know I’m pretty smart (by pretty smart, I mean I know how to type and tie my shoes. And use the mailbox and I know how to climb up and down the stairs. Most of the time).


So NOW, I thought, I have to go hunt down this girl’s cell phone.

While looking for her cell phone number, I also found out that she was also chosen for the Senate Youth Program and scholarship.She also organized a fundraiser for a rape crisis center. She ALSO one of the 35 HS Women to win a Leading Technology Award. And to TOP IT ALL OFF, she’s ALSO the Kansas State Rep for the D.A.R.E. America Youth Advisory Board.

OF ALL THE STUFF SHE’S DONE, I chose to pick the topic of her winning a computing award…..

How does this only happen to me…

On another note that really pertains to this note but I’m making a new sentence for it anyways, it’s people like this that makes me feel lazy. I mean, Senate Youth Program? Scholarships? THE D.A.R.E YOUTH COMMITTEE?!

Oh, and my mom also made apple pie. It was very yummy.


Single Awareness Day *HIGH FIVE* February 16, 2014


So I didn’t find out that February 15th was Single Awareness Day *high five* was an actual real live holiday (well, not ALIVE live…more like REAL live) until February 13th.


Second of all, I didn’t know all Valentine’s Day candy went on sale for 70% off….so again, WHY DIDN’T ANYBODY TELL ME?!

THIRD of all, my sister and I have now decided that anytime anyone shall ever say Single Awareness Day *high five*, we’ll high five someone. As you can see.

Yesterday, before babysitting at 6pm and having a midnight date with an invisible guy I forgot to name before I fell asleep, my sisters and I went shopping. For candy. AND IT WAS AWESOME. Everything was in hearts and red and pink and white and was like, 29 cents….IT WAS MAGICAL I TELL YOU. MAGICAL.

Now let’s pray everybody.

Kidding…but for real. It was magic. I’ve eaten so much candy in the past day and a half…but most of it I gave away this morning to people in my class.

I hope they realize how much I love and appreciate them. I spent like, 5 dollars on them. On all 14 of them.

I’m so generous sometimes.

On another note, I just realized that the acronym for Single Awareness Day *high five* would be SAD….



Filed under: 2014,fail... — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 12:50 pm
Tags: , , ,
I had NO idea this said Angel til I read it for the 4th time So THIS is what school does to you...

I had NO idea this said Angel til I read it for the 4th time
So THIS is what school does to you…


One of the Most All Encompassing Quotes EVER

Filed under: 2014,come oooon weekend...,procrastinating,TIRED — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 8:47 am

“All of you young people who served in the war, you are all a lost generation.” – Gertrude Stein


Boy and Puppy February 13, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 2:07 pm

*tried not to tear up at the end*
Absolutely AMAZING, as usual

Simply Miko

He groans, it’s 5:30 am and yet he’s rolling out of bed, when he hears the incessant whine. It’s Rex, of course, and he needs to be taken out for his morning walk.

He shrugs on a sweater, a coat, and hat, pulling on a boots when he reaches the door. Rex is at his heels, tail wagging, and sits obediently as Jack snaps the leash on him. Then, bracing for the wind and chill, Jack opens the door and Rex is out, scampering for the nearest tree.

Cold. Cold. Cold. Resonates in his head as his teeth begin to chatter and he grips tighter onto his end of the leash. He eyes Rex sniffing the ground and desperately prays that his dog will hurry up and do his business soon. It’s freezing and he just wants to crawl back to bed. Finally, he sees Rex squat and he sighs…

View original post 2,363 more words


The Liebster Award February 11, 2014

Filed under: 2014,I'D LIKE TO THANK THE ACADEMY — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 10:51 am


Give me WordPress, AND I’LL GIVE YOU…uh…honey….and stuff….Anyways, thank you VERY VERY much to Simply Miko, for again being awesome, and for giving me honey (I’ll be expecting its arrival by wednesday. Just saying.)

The rules for this award

1) The bloggers that have been nominated must link back to the person that nominated them.

2) Nominees must answer the eleven questions given to them by the person who nominated them.

3) Those nominated must choose eleven of their fave bloggers that have less than 200 followers to answer their own set of questions

4) When you are nominated you cannot nominate the person that nominated you

5) After nominating your faves you need to drop them a comment telling them that you have nominated them.


The Answers

1) School or No School? …Why would you pick school when you could have no school…that’s like wishing for a power outage when Twighlight’s coming on. Actually, scratch that, the power can totally go out then.

2) Hoodie or Jacket? I’m going to say jacket, but mostly because I only own one hoodie, and that one’s getting a lil small (I’ve had it for 3 years…and then my mom had it for who-knows-how-many-years before me.

3) Comedies or Horror Films? HOW ABOUT funny horror films (#bestofbothworlds)

4) Ferrell or Sandler? My friend asked my other friend this the other day, and my friend almost got strangled with his answer…soooo I’ll stay neutral.

5) Pool or Beach? POOL. Mostly because I’ve never BEEN TO A BEACH WHEN IT’S NOT 6AM (yes, mom, I’m looking at you). And also because I just like the pool. You can’t actually swim on the beach.

Plus when you’re at the pool, there’s less of a chance of you drowning/getting bitten by a shark/ being entangled with some random person (actually, that’s about the same both places)/ being dragged out to sea and never being seen by anyone ever again because you’ll be living on this rock where your only companions are hungry seagulls and every time they get desperate enough to try to peck at you you strangle them and eat their feathers and bones for food. So yup.

6) Where do you spend your time the most? On the computer or asleep. Computer because that’s where I work (ahhh homeschool….) and that usually takes awhile, and sleep because…you sleep a lot…during the night….and all…well, MOST people sleep during the night. Not so sure about this guy (question 11)

7) What is your favorite type of writing style (Novel, Short Story, Flash Fics, Poetry, etc.)? Short story. I don’t have the drive to write a novel (I’ve started three and finished zero). I also like writing songs (As in I write lyrics. That have a tune. I just don’t know how to write the tune down. Which is kinda inconvenient)

8) Favorite Genre to write in (Or Favorite Genre to read)? YOUNG ADULT and middle grade/school (#toysruskidforever).

9) Television shows or Movies? Movies. They require less commitment, AND you can just finish watching it. You don’t have to be all like: WHAT!?!? BEKA, WHY’D YOU DO THAT? WAIT, THE SHOWS ENDING?!?!? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YOU CAN’T END NOW! THEY WEREN’T EVEN DONE TALKING!!!

10) Texting or Calling friends? Calling. I feel less like a hermit.

11) Online or offline gaming? Uhm, I’ll go with offline. Sure, I like to yell at people when I win/lose, but don’t like hearing them yell at me…so yeah.



  1. Round or square?
  2. Sneakers or flip-flops?
  3. Writing or reading?
  4. What’s the last book you read?
  5. What are your plans for this weekend?
  6. Least favorite subject? Why?
  7. Most annoying person ever?
  8. Best prank pulled?
  9. Google maps or mapquest?
  10. Worst promise you’ve ever made?
  11. NUMBER ONE FAVORITE PERSON EVER (extra points for it being me) !?


People I Have Decided To Grace With Recognition (you guys aren’t placed in any particular order…)

  1. Colorless Canvas
  2. one writer, many heads
  3. The Pen and the Sword
  4. bouts of lunacy
  5. brownautumn96
  6. Musings of a Typical Teenage Girl

…You all have been warned.


I shall now proceed to talking about the cutting off of arms

Filed under: 2014 — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 10:36 am

Okay, so remember how I was talking about how I never get a snow day?


Online school is having issues (all three of my sisters and I go to the same online school (we all use different laptops) and IT’S NOT WORKING), SO as of right now, we have an official (official as in I made it official) morning-snow day (because it’ll probably be up and running by this afternoon).

In other news, I shall be going to battle school starting Thursday. And I’m going to be the tactician (probably).

More news on that later.



And Then There Was Snow February 7, 2014

So this week, depending on where you live, you either got way too much snow (*raises hand*) or a lot of rain (*lowers hand*)…though technically, snow is just rain. Except fluffier (*hesitantly half-raises hand*).

Okay, you can put your hands down now.

Earlier this week was very interesting.

Everyone had no school.

Except for me. I had school.

While the perks of being virtually homeschooled are many, this is NOT one of them. You NEVER get a snow day. Ever.

Unless the power goes out. But then, it doesn’t really count because something DISASTROUS would have to happen for that to happen.

And besides, what’s a snow day without the lights and your tablet (your battery could be dying) and your cell phone (your battery could be dying) and your laptop and the lights and the TV and the lights and the home-phone-only-your-parents-use (the battery could very well be dying) and the lights and that desktop-computer-no-one-uses and the lights?




To conclude, I like pie.



Cute Puppy Love

All the Cute Stuff You Love to See Everyday!


Smile! You’re at the best WordPress.com site ever

Teens Can Write, Too!

Changing the world's opinion... as soon as we finish this math homework

The Upstairs Archives

A random repository of how-to-write and geekery, with an occasional snippet of accidental wisdom.

Dysfunctional Literacy

Just because you CAN read Moby Dick doesn't mean you should!

The Blog By a Kid

Insights from a kid who's bored regularly.

Caffeinated & Opinionated

where life meets pop culture

Drinking Tips for Teens

Creative humour, satire and other bad ideas by Ross Murray, an author living in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada. Is it truth or fiction? Only his hairdresser knows for sure.

colorless canvas

15, Seattle

300 stories

A continuing mission to produce flash fiction stories in 300 words (or less)

The Mostly Confused Teenager

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Eyestrain Productions

An unhealthy and unwarranted look into the twisted life and dubious career of Shane Simmons - dark writer, morbid historian, obsessive collector and sick mind

The Life and Times of Nathan Badley...

just like Moby Dick, but shorter and less whale-oriented.

The Pen and the Sword

Life, love, and the pursuit of epicness.