
Creative Writing Inc.

Depressing news, but today’s been a fairly good day August 19, 2013

So it turns out, I didn’t need to be the wonderful big sister I had originally planned on being. If anything, I’m the one that needed her (kind of ironic, don’t you think?).

So seminary started this morning…and everything was okay, but I was sitting between two girls that were so dang crazy, it made it weird. And I have to be ‘class president’ and call on people to do stuff for a week. Joy.

Hopefully better news tomorrow…


My day was brought down 15 points by this April 6, 2013

Filed under: 2013,30 day challenge,school — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 2:38 pm

10) What’s the meanest thing anyone has ever said to you?

Now why would someone want to know a thing like that….smh

But I don’t really know…I think it might be where one of my friend’s say they don’t trust me. I mean sure, I’ve done some things that I’m not exactly proud of, but when someone says something like that, it’s like a smack in the face with a shovel (see what I did there?).


I KNOW I’m the unusually late one…DON’T JUDGE ME April 2, 2013

Filed under: 2013,and-you-wonder-why-i-have-no-life,school — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 10:47 am

You know what? When you read something for a VEEEEEERY long time, you really get into it. The story-line, the plot, the characters, the love triangle…it just all coms together. So when you read something that’s NOT  a book, and an actual person that commits to posting everyday actually posts everyday and you kinda end up reading it late but it doesn’t really matter because it’s good anyways (now go back and read that in one breath)….wait, what was the point again?

Anywho, BEHOLD! HERE AM I IN ALL MY GLORIOUS GLORY, BACK TO GIVE YOU ALL A GLORIOUS GLORY POST! AND THAT MADE HALF-ZERO SENSE! Wait…there’s no such thing as half of zero, is there. Well, I guess 1/2 could count, but we’re talking whole numbers here, people.

SO, as I meant to say but it didn’t exactly come across, HAPPY INCREDIBLY LATE EASTER (not so much), ST. PATRICK’S DAY (VERY much), AND WHATEVER HOLIDAY I MIGHT BE FORGETTING (which would be VERY late, considering I don’t even remember what holiday that would be)!!!! :D :D :D

This week for my school is Spring Break. I would make that an  abbreviation but, 1) Half of you might not know what that would mean if I did and, 2) I’m preeeetty sure that that means something else too….so we’ll just leave it at that.

Okay, I think over 20o words for a blog is sufficient. I leave in peace, and knowing that I haven given readers something. Even if it was the most incredibly boring thing they (and by they, I mean you) have read all day.


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