
Creative Writing Inc.

So My Sister Was in a Class Connect… January 8, 2015

Filed under: you know you enjoyed this — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 1:02 pm

And describing this book that she’s writing.

Sister: So her mom is Hera, and she has brown hair, green eyes, and light skin, and she’s dead-

Me: Wait, Hera can’t die.


Me: Wait, it was malaria, wasn’t it.

Sister: Anyways, Zeus, who is the king of olympus, is her father-

Me: Is Zesus dead too? I bet he had the flu.


The Post In Which I Include A Picture of Tyler Perry Dressed As A Woman July 13, 2014

Hello my wonderful fellow bloggers! It’s been awhile since I posted an actual post (June 16th, to be precise), so I decided to relieve your tired eyes (that should be asleep) and grace you with my amazing wit and funnyness.


So guys, this could just me being, well, me, but I am one of those people who like to know where I stand. I like to know the kind of person I’m talking too. I like to know what they think of me and so on and so forth.

What? I’m a girl, okay? I can’t be COMPLETELY perfect…

Just kidding, I am.

(Just kidding.)

But anyways, has it ever bothered anyone else when you’re talking to someone online (for me, it’s in my online classes for school), and you don’t know whether they’re a guy or a girl?

Tyler Perry? Madea? Tydea?

Tyler Perry? Madea? Tydea? Maperry?

Maybe it’s just a girl thing (or maybe it’s just a me thing) but it kind of bothers me. It didn’t used to…but now it does. Just a little. It’s kinda like an itch on your back. It’s hard to reach, but you can juuuuust scratch it. And then you go on your merry way, right?

But then 60 SECONDS LATER, it itches again.

There was this one time in 9th grade when I met this person in my English class. Their name was Dakota. I had a friend whose name was Dakota, and she’s a girl, so I thought “HEY LOOK! Another girl Dakota!! :D”

*Fast-forward to the middle of second semester*

A lot of the high school students had to switch homeroom teacher because our system was changing, so I ended up having the same HR teacher as Dakota. So we were all introducing ourselves and this one girl was like “I’m sorry for asking this Dakota, but I was just wondering…are you a girl or a boy?” to which he replied “Haha, no problem. I’m a guy :)”

That whole semester and a half of which he was my friend, I had assumed he was a girl. So I acted like he was a girl, without directly saying anything that SOUNDED like I thought he was a girl. I told my best guy friend later, and he laughed so hard…I kinda wanted to punch him in the shoulder, but 1) he lived on the other side of the state and 2) it was kinda of funny.

Just a teeny bit.

But WHILE I’m on the topic of genders, HOW CAN YOU PROPERLY SAY AN ANIMAL PICTURE IS CUTE WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT GENDER IT IS!? I mean, you’d either have to say “AWWWW! [Fill in the Blank] is so cuuuuuuute!” or “AWWWW! It’s so cuuuuuuuute!”

You can’t go around saying [Fill in the blank]! That’s ridiculous! And you can’t say IT. It’s not an it. It has a gender. ANIMALS HAVE FEELINGS TOO.



5 MONTHS LATER_UPDATE: Despite the over abundant use of capitalization, I was completely calm while writing this post…just wanted to throw that out there.


I Can’t. Believe. It’s Summer. June 16, 2014


Okay, so last time I actually wrote something (other than yesterday) was May 26th (…sorry guys) and THE WORLD has happened since then.

Okay, not exactly literally…but you know what I mean.

But for real. Since then I have:

  • Signed up for a college class (Accounting I…and no, I do NOT want to be an accountant…more like an event planner or a singer)

    Cause sometimes, you just wanna put a book on your head

    Cause sometimes, you just have to put a book on your head

  • Got into the National Honors Society (BUH BAM!).
  • Made doughnuts

    And they were delicious

    And they were delicious

  • Printed out a list of 100 Things I Need To Do This Summer (that may or may not me cooler…but whatever, it sounded fun).
  • Emailed my friend that I haven’t heard from in MONTHS

    To which I got this response Don't you just love him?

    To which I got this response
    Don’t you just love him?

  • Got my second semester grades back from the school (ALL. FREAKING. A’S. *sheds a lone tear of joy :’D**okay maybe a few lone tears of joy**okay, maybe a sob of joy**okay, maybe a RIVER of tears of joy…..you get the point**but despite all these asterisks, I didn’t actually cry at all**so yup*)
  • I got a Skype account

    How I've waited for this moment.

    How I’ve waited for this moment.

  • Spread love to the universe (..well, I’m working on it)
  • Started writing a story with a friend (just wait til I show you guys some of it)(!!!!!)
  • And wrote you guys a story/post about doughnuts, videochatting, asterisks, and a river of tears.

My work here is done.


My Review for Paper Towns by John Green: May 26, 2014

John Green…I love you. Like, seriously love you. Are you married? Is there somewhere I can file a marriage request? Courting request? Dating request? Polishing shoes request? I’ll do one of them. Or two. Or all. It all works.
But I LOVE this book. The Fault in Our Stars is still the best…BUT THIS IS DEFINITELY THE SECOND. How come they’re not making a movie out of this one? I mean, I would totally watch it… and it wouldn’t even have be as heart-wrenching as the Stars movie is going to be. I mean, what actor wouldn’t want to fake-break into Sea World? I WOULD! I mean, I’m not an actor or anything….but still.
Now, I love it with all my heart (I really do) but we do have a few problemo’s…
1) Quentin was too mushy. John (can I call you John?), sweetheart (that too?), I know you were trying to make it all deep and fill up pages and what-not, but the conversations Q had with himself were a teeny bit too deep. I mean, I have deep thoughts and all, but not THAT deep. That’s like, drowning in the ocean after playing with sharks deep. At some points in the story, the deep-ness was good. I got it. But at other points…he should have had less girl-ish thoughts. Just saying.
2) Q was a tiny bit obsessed with Margo. For real. Long-time crush or no, that’s kinda creepy.

But otherwise, I think it was all good. I FREAKING LOVED THE ROAD TRIP, though. That was by far my most FAVORITE part of the ENTIRE book.

Now about those shoe polishing requests…


If You Could Go Back In Time Or See The Future, Which Would You Choose? May 13, 2014

If I had to pick between going back in time or going into the future, I would pick going back in time.

While there are PLENTY of reasons I’ve chosen this option, a few of them are:

  1. To Remember Past Occurrences: So the next time my sister says “NO, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED…” I can say, “Uh, no, I recorded it…THIS is what happened…”

  2. Because I Can’t Remember Anything: Like where I put my earbuds…

  3. The Mysteries: If you think about it, there are WAY too many mysteries in America’s past, because either a)nobody thought to write it down, or b) nobody could write. Going back to figure out the reasons all these things happened would be AWESOME. Then I could start some secret-society-club where only me and a bunch of my friends would REALLY know what happened in ancient America…

  4. So I Can Kick Some Spanish Butt: For real. Of all the continents to slaughter people on, why couldn’t they have picked a nice island where monkeys were living? We would’ve found a way to save the monkeys. Eventually.

  5. To Fix A Few Mistakes: Wouldn’t we all like to do that…

  6. To Save Somebody Famous: Now how effing cool would it be for a picture of me saving Martin Luther King Jr. be in history books everywhere. Pretty effing cool.

  7. To Kill Somebody Famous: …What? Don’t worry, it’d only be Hitler or somebody like that (Random Fact: I did NOT know he had a love interest throughout his entire slaughter-ordeal. Just goes to show that we’re all human…though some of us more than others).

  8. Because If I Could Go Back In Time, It Would Mean I Had A Time Machine: Nuff said.




I Got Bored (You’re Welcome) May 9, 2014

If you were trapped on an abandoned island and your only resources were 3000 popsicle sticks, 3 gallons of glue, 2 tires, and 30 rubber bands, what would you do? What would you build?

Well first of all, I’d wonder why on earth there were 3 gallons of glue on an abandoned island. Then I’d wonder who one earth was able to eat 3000 popsicle’s and still be alive (just kidding, I’ve probably eaten about that many). Then I’d wonder where all of those rubber bands came from…but I don’t think I’d wonder so much about the tires. I feel like tires should be included on the list of random things that would be on a random abandoned island.

First, I’d probably build some incredibly sad and flimsy shelter out of glue and tires. I won’t go in depth explaining how that would work, because it probably wouldn’t. Second, I’d try to see if there were any more popsicles (hey, if they were there that long, then there’s got to be some liquid popsicles somewhere). Then after that I’d probably build some kind of raft/boat/floaty-thingy. I feel like that wouldn’t do me much good, though. If I had absolutely no idea where I was and it was ridiculously sunny outside all the time, why would I want to aimlessly float around on something that could sink at any moment and risk the chance of dying of a heat stroke?

On second thought, maybe I’d just find a way to build a gigantic fire…


Ahhh Another Award… May 2, 2014

EDIT: Forgot to post the rules…



You never know if you’re doing something right until you get nominated 20 times for the same award (my most FAVORITE award). Maybe I should start a trophy shelf…THAT’D be cool.

ANYWAYS, I’d like to thank the wonderful Adrian Sanchez. I have absolutely no idea who you are, but I’ll go ahead and assume you’re awesome since I was nominated. *Gold star.*

You’re welcome.

Now, first off, I would like to express my confusion…I did in no way know that we were supposed to post 11 random facts about ourselves before we get on to answering the questions. WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?

Are you guys hiding rules from me…? Because if you are, then THE JOKES ON YOU because I never would have found out it was a joke anyways. So HA!

1) I really really like pie Like, more than cake. Really

2) I also really REALLY like Nutella Especially on bagels…IT’S JUST SO GOOD

3) I do not like chocolate with nuts in it …who does?

5) I just skipped fact number four

6) And now I’m going to put it after fact number seven

7) And you just looked to see if it’s there, which it’s not But that’s a fact about you, and not me

8)  I REALLY LIKE SCARING THE CRAP OUT OF PEOPLE April Fool’s is one of my most favorite holiday’s in existence

9) I have three sisters All of which are little monsters whom I adore

4) I put number four back You’re welcome, #4

10) When I was picking what language I wanted to do for high school, I couldn’t decide on whether I wanted to do Spanish or French, so, in a spur-of-the-moment decision, I went with French. But they uploaded Spanish. So I told them I wanted French One of the worst decision’s I have ever made ever

11) I didn’t get a cell phone until last year The pain I felt when I saw 7-year olds with iPhone’s…


The Questions:


What are you reading right now? Well, I just finished reading the Red Badge of Courage for literature, but I’m still kind of reading it because I have to write a literary analysis on it. I’m also 1 page in to my honors lit book, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (gosh, I don’t hate you Twain, but really, you suck sometimes).
How do you choose which books you want to read? Wow, I just now really looked at all these questions, and they all have to do with reading or writing…where’s the “Do you pick your nose when you sleep?” questions?

How do I choose…hm. That’s a good question. I have an account on goodreads, so I’ll usually read whatever’s popular for teens (sometimes. sometimes the popular books look TERRIBLE) or whatever my friend’s suggest or whatever book it says I might like or whatever book looks like it won’t end in heartbreak and tears and broken plates and such.
What is your writing process? For creative writing? Or for school? Well, I guess it’s about the same both ways…so NEVERMIND, don’t answer that. The way I write is by brain dump. I put everything on paper and try not to stop until I’m finished (otherwise, all my literature papers would look like my short stories…nonexistent/not finished).
Which author do you admire and why? OOOO that’s a HARD one…like, really hard. Really REALLY hard. Really REally REAlly REALy REALLY hard. And I’m probably just going to procrastinate on this question until the end of humanity.
What is your favorite place to write and why? …On my computer….mostly because my writing sucks when I’m writing on paper. Plus, I type faster than I write, so I can get all my ideas down faster. I can’t WAIT until somebody invents a computer that has a headpiece that you can put on, and all your brain information gets sent to the computer….
What books are you looking forward to this year? That Are Coming Out: The One (IT BETTER NOT END WEIRD OR I’LL BE SO MAD AT HER THERE WON’T EVEN BE WORDS JUST LOTS OF GIBBERISH SOUNDING YELLING), The Blood Of Olympus (THAT ONE BETTER NOT END WEIRD EITHER WITH EVERYBODY DEAD/ DYING ALL OVER THE PLACE OR I’LL FIND RIORDAN’S FREAKING ADDRESS AND SEND HIM A LETTER ABOUT HOW MAD I AM AT HIM EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE), anddd I can’t think of anymore right now. That I Need To Read: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Emerald Green, Sisters, The Book Thief, Paper Towns, The Origami Yoda etc etc etc.
When did you first start writing? Ninth grade. It started with a story (that failed), then I went into poetry (that, looking back, mostly sucked), then back to writing stories I’ve never finished. I did, however, start writing songs (the lyrics) a little bit earlier than ninth grade. THOSE, I must admit, I’m proud of. Well, most of them. Some of them I laugh at so hard, and wonder what on earth I was thinking…
What is the first book you can remember reading?

Probably something close to this

Probably something close to this

Have you ever taking any writing classes? YES YES I HAVE. It was in 9th grade, and I met the girl that taught me a habit that would eventually get me in trouble (no…it wasn’t stealing….and no….it had nothing to do with profanity…yeesh you guys’re judgmental). I even remember her name (the teacher, not the girl)…Mrs. Card (get it? Card? hehehe……no? okay then).
Who is your favorite literary character? Augustus freaking Waters and Ignifex. If I ever get married…it’ll be to one of them. And yes, that was the sound of me willingly throwing all other potential suitors out the window.

What is your favorite classic book? Hmmm…I think I’m going to say The Wizard of Oz or The Glass Menagerie (that totally and completely counts). OH OH OH OR A PRINCESS BOOK! I love princess books. Or really any fairytale for that matter…so maybe I’ll just say this.




What is your favorite flavor toothpaste?

Are you scared of planes/heights/flying?

How many cups of water do you drink and WHY AREN’T YOU DRINKING MORE (don’t worry, I am also victim of the I’mateenagerandIdon’tneedwaterduh plague)??

What was your favorite children’s show when you were, you know, a kid and stuff?

About what age did you lose your first tooth (by either natural or unnatural means)?

What is your most favorite book (you can ONLY PICK ONE and you CANNOT say ‘I don’t know’. That is an inexcusable answer)?

What is your most favorite pie (again, you can only pick one and I DON’T KNOW ISN’T AN ANSWER)?

Have you ever tried to fly away in a cardboard box?

What is your favorite color?

What is your LUCKY color (and no, it can’t be the same color as your favorite color…there’s a difference)?




Second of all, NOW here are the people I’ve nominated (who over over-talented with too few followers):

A Little Something About Ly

Blaze’s Blog

Simply Miko


And whoever else!



Camp NaNoWriMo (and how I’m kind of cheating, but not really) April 2, 2014

It’s that time of year again, guys. Time to bring out you pens/ pencils/ paper/ notebooks/ coffee/ tea/ water/ OJ/ lemonade/ typewriters/ laptops/ keyboards/ …I don’t know, gift cards? and START WRITING.


Seems like just a few months ago, I was trying, then deciding not too, then deciding too, then failing at the regular NaNoWriMo.

Oh sweet memories…


Oh yeah…I didn’t explain the title yet. Okay, so I was SUPPOSED to start writing whatever I’m supposed to be writing yesterday, but my laptop charger broke, so then I could no longer charge my computer…so I couldn’t use it for a 2 days…


But I survived. So I’m okay.

But anyways, I went on to check my account, and there were like, 30 camper messages from people saying hi. 45 hours after I said hi. Cabin-mates suck sometimes, you guys. I’m just saying. So THEN, I went on and put that I wrote 1,435 words today.

Now this is kind of a lie…but not really. I didn’t actually physically sit down and type up that many words and decided to dedicate it to NaNoWriMo. No, what I decided to do was edit a story that I had kinda sorta started a little bit, and see how far I got with it. So TECHNICALLY, since I had to do all the work and search for a grand total of 30 seconds for the document, that can count as my writing time. Besides, I’m going to go edit it some today anyways. And THAT counts as working.


And besides, it’s not like I don’t have that many words and I totally lied…

Okay, moving on.


Okay, now for not rambling actual GOOD news.


Only un problemo, mi amigo’s (and no, I’m not taking spanish…I’m taking french. Don’t ask)…there’s a sponsor fee. And I need half of it ($240) by before the end of the month. So I have to like, call people. REAL PEOPLE. LIKE, REAL REAL LIVE PEOPLE.


Haha, I’m just kidding…I’m actually really excited about it. Even the getting sponsors part. I mean, this is a pageant with a purpose. They don’t do the swimsuit modeling part, and you don’t even have to model at all if you don’t want too. You learn interviewing skills, you learn how to confidently walk and talk in front of a live audience with lots of people, you can practice your talent, and win awards for it, you do community service…it’s awesome. Getting the sponsors should be REALLY fun after I figure out what I’m supposed to say. If I can make it to state finals, I can talk to a general manager. I mean, they’re not going to like, bite me…right? They’ll just sit there and listen and look at the brochure and talk with me and tell me yes or no! I mean, I’m ALREADY a people person. It’s why I like downtown so much. And why I never ever EVER want to live on the farm. Or too far into the country. We could have a 2 million dollar mansion, but if it were too far away from civilization, I’d go rent a bungalow or something.

Okay, the mansion part miiight not be completely accurate…but you get the point.


Wow, I get excited REALLY easily… But I guess that’s a good thing. I mean, cause when I get a boyfriend (AHAHAHAHHAHA THAT’S FUNNY! I mean…*ahem*, keep reading), he’ll always be happy cause I’ll just be happy to see him all the time!

But flowers are still good. Oooooh or chocolate. You can never EVER have enough of that.

Like, ever.


Liebster (what is that anyways?) Award March 25, 2014

I LOVE these so much. They make me feel good. Really good. It’s almost like having nutella and pancakes and hot chocolate and whipped cream and strawberries in the same hour…

Dang it. Now I’m hungry. THIS IS OBVIOUSLY SOMEHOW YOUR FAULT MIKO. But I forgive you since you nominated me.

You’re welcome.

The Rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.
  • Answer 10 questions given to you by the nominee before you.
  • Create 10 questions of your own.
  • Nominate 10 of your favorite blogs with fewer than 200 followers and notify them of their nomination.

The Questions:

Deserts before a meal or after a meal? Wait, are you asking if I eat it before or after meals? Or would I prefer it that way? Or do I know people that do it? OR ALL THREE COMBINED (that would be: Or do all I do three prefer know combined it people that that way it?, which kind of makes sense in a really weird kind of way…)?? I’ll just answer all of them…

A) No, I don’t eat dessert before meals. I eat it after. Unless my mom’s like YOU CAN’T HAVE THAT YOU ALREADY HAD SOME BEFORE DINNER. In that case yes, I do do that occasionally. B) I think if it were up to me, I’d do it sometimes, but not all the time. Probably just because I’m used to doing it the normal way. But WHEN I HAVE KIDS, we’re going to have dessert and then dinner once every month. I’m going to be the mosT magical/awesome/coolest/amazing mom EVER. C) Nope. D) I’m not sure how to answer that…I would combine all my answers together, but that would take awhile. MOVING ON.

Fridays or Saturdays?



If for one day, you could be anyone famous, who would you be and why? I would be my famous self 10 years from now, make an outline of how I got there, stick it in my pocket and somehow transport it back with me, and do whatever I did to get to where I was, but faster. THERE IS NO FLAW IN THIS PLAN AND THERE’S ABSOLUTELY NO-WAY-NO-HOW THIS CAN NOT WORK.

Murphy’s Law or Hedonism Paradox? Depends on the situation…but USUALLY, I’d go with Murphy’s Law, because that just seems to be the case for everywhere and everybody. HOWEVER, I’M USUALLY AN EXTREMELY(okay, maybe not extremely) OPTIMISTIC, so I like the second one better a lot of the time. So it’s 40 to 60 usually.

What’s your biggest fear? That everyone will die and I’ll be all alone and condemned to live in an apartment all by myself.

And then my next door neighbor will get a Gecko….(Worst childhood scary story E.V.E.R.)

If you were given 1 billion dollars, what would you do with it? Why? I WOULD BLOW ALL OF IT BECAUSE IF IT EVER HAPPENED, I’D PROBABLY BE DREAMING.

Actually, I’d probably go to EFY. Then drag all my friends with me. Then put a million of it in savings for college. Then buy a house. And then go on a cruise. And stay at a resort. And buy two cars. And three tablets. And 2 cell phones. And a laptop for every room in my house. And hire an interior designer. And a chef. And then donate all my clothes on go on a shopping spree. Then help a few friends get into college. And by THAT time, I should still have about 100 dollars left to put in my wallet for later purposes.

Wait…why? What do you mean WHY? EFY IS THE BESTEREDEST PLACE I’VE NEVER BEEN TOO! And I like having fun with my friends. And college is important. And houses are important too. And I’ve never been on a cruise. And I don’t think I’ve ever stayed at a REAL resort. And having cars is a good investment. And I probably don’t need that many tablets, but that’s okay. And I need one to put in the car! And laptops are important! And I need somebody to decorate the inside of my house…duh. And because SHOPPING IS FUN, and because my friends wants to go into that kind of thing as her college major/job, so I’d be completely and totally helping a fellow American civilian *heart of gold*.  And college is still important. AND LEFT OVER MONEY IS…GOOD….yeahhh I’ve run out of barely descriptive words.

One thing you’re pretty sure no one knows about you? I have never ever at any point ever had lice.

What? I HAVEN’T! I doubt anyone’s ever suspected it…but there you are.

Is talent born or made? I think it’s both, but more the second one. Someone can naturally enjoy something, like playing the piano, and might enjoy playing it, but that talent needs to be molded. This 5 year old isn’t going to come on the stage for grammy’s and be like WATCH THIS EVERYBODY and play The Four Seasons or something.

Is the glass half full or half empty? The glass will always and forever be half full. Unless somebody’s pouring me lemonade and didn’t fill it up all then way. Then YOU NEED TO GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT BECAUSE WHOEVER DOESN’T GIVE OUT FULL GLASSES OF LEMONADE IS OBVIOUSLY GOING NO WHERE AND GOING THERE FAST. Just saying.

Do you prefer blogging more about yourself, more about life and daily happenings, or just plain fiction writing? Well, considering I don’t know what ‘just plain’ fiction writing is (…really?), it’s not that one. And I’m not sure if I blog more about the first one or the second one…I’ll go with the second one.


My Questions:

Pooh or Tigger? (this is an obvious no brainer that no one could EVER POSSIBLY GET WRONG)

Pooh or Piglet? (okay…this one’s harder…BUT I BELIEVE IN YOU)

Pooh or Rabbit (…don’t. even.)

POOH OR KANGA?? (okay, I’m done)

If you had to pick being a youtube star or getting a million dollar check from some old rich grandpa you never knew existed, which would you pick, and why? (this is obviously my definition of serious)

What was your favorite childhood toy?

WHO IS YOUR MOST ANNOYING SIBLING (and the most annoying thing they’ve done recently)?

What is your absolute most favorite number? (NOT YOUR LUCKY NUMBER, your favorite number)

Who’s blogger page do you most enjoy looking at? (*ahem* *charming smile*)

If you traveled to the future, what would be the FIRST thing you’d want to see?



The Blog By A Kid

Caffeinated and Opinionated

Blaze’s Blog

Gosh…you never know how many followers everybody has until you have to do one of these. Then you find out that everybody you follow has 20 million other followers…sheesh. But MIKO, YOU CAN DO IT TOO.

And anyone else who wants too can do it too! HAVE AT IT GUYS!


SIDE NOTE: Oh, and to those who I promised a trophy, a ribbon, and cotton candy, HERE YOU GO :D

I am the best nominater person ever...

I am the best nominater person ever…


TODAY’S THE DAY (I get Cabin Mate people)






I’m so excited. You guys have no idea.


Okay…now only 6 more days until it actually starts…

This is going to take forever, isn’t it?


Cute Puppy Love

All the Cute Stuff You Love to See Everyday!


Smile! You’re at the best WordPress.com site ever

Teens Can Write, Too!

Changing the world's opinion... as soon as we finish this math homework

The Upstairs Archives

A random repository of how-to-write and geekery, with an occasional snippet of accidental wisdom.

Dysfunctional Literacy

Just because you CAN read Moby Dick doesn't mean you should!

The Blog By a Kid

Insights from a kid who's bored regularly.

Caffeinated & Opinionated

where life meets pop culture

Drinking Tips for Teens

Creative humour, satire and other bad ideas by Ross Murray, an author living in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada. Is it truth or fiction? Only his hairdresser knows for sure.

colorless canvas

15, Seattle

300 stories

A continuing mission to produce flash fiction stories in 300 words (or less)

The Mostly Confused Teenager

Trying to feel less muddled

Eyestrain Productions

An unhealthy and unwarranted look into the twisted life and dubious career of Shane Simmons - dark writer, morbid historian, obsessive collector and sick mind

The Life and Times of Nathan Badley...

just like Moby Dick, but shorter and less whale-oriented.

The Pen and the Sword

Life, love, and the pursuit of epicness.