
Creative Writing Inc.

The Sisterhood of Bloggers Award January 8, 2015

Fancy Shmancy, huh?

Fancy Shmancy, huh?

Okay, so I literally got this award 4 months ago, but that was back when I was still an unpublished, unappreciated artist, struggling to make due with the little money I had.

I’m actually still an unpublished, unappreciated, artist that’s poor, so I guess that’s really no excuse. SO, I’m going to go ahead and post the rules and answer the questions now!

After thanking the most wonderful erinkenobi2893 (loving the name darling…don’t think I’ve ever told you that).

Rules: Show the icon on your blog, answer questions, make up new questions, nominate bloggers, and notify them of the nomination.

(On A Random Side Note: I love my sisters so much.)

Questions (Prepare Yourself):

  1. How many times in a day do you look things up online, on average? Oh, my life is online, so I look up stuff all the time. Sometimes I still have to look up my school’s official website…
  2. What is the strangest thing you have ever said to anyone? UGH, I DIDN’T KNOW THESE WOULD BE HARD QUESTIONS!! How about I say the strangest thing I’ve ever thought about someone? Recently, that is. I’m pulling a Dory right now. So this one time, a random guy just walked up to me and started talking, and all I could think was “…He is cute. He is talking. He’s talking to me. Why is he talking to me?” I didn’t even completely register what he said until he walked away.
  3. Since my dad is having us watch The Avengers and all the movies leading up to them… who’s your favorite Avenger? ;-) CAPTAIN AMERICA. The Winter Soldier movie totally changed my mind. Before him, it was Iron Man. I love how arrogant but witty he was in all his movies. I think it’s hilarious.
  4. Which Avenger are you most like, in your opinion? In your friends’ opinions? None. My sister also says none.
  5. If you had to pick one–just one–fictional character to be caught with in the middle of a natural disaster (or a nuclear war, take your pick) who would you choose? Erm, captain america? I feel like he’d figure out a way to keep me alive. But then again, he’d probably try to be all heroic and sacrifice himself or something crazy like that. Superheroes these days….sheesh!
  6. Oddest thing you’ve sung in the shower? I was in a really random, ridiculously happy mood this one time, so I just put a tune to random words, and I sang it for awhile. I stopped in the middle of my shower, but then I picked back up randomly 2 hours later. I think it had something to do with potatos and cows and school buses, I don’t really remember.
  7. What is the biggest thing you’ve had malfunction about your account or blog? (Mine is the elusive “like” button which I have often complained about.) I actually don’t think I’ve had any big problems at all. YAY, KARMA EXISTS :’D We should probably call the CIA now…
  8. Favorite kind of fruit? Mangoes, pineapple, strawberries, peaches, apricots, green grapes, granny smith apples, any kind of crunchy apple….actually, pretty much any fruit other than raisins and bananas (does anybody else have to double check how they spell bananas?)
  9. What book/movie/poem/short story has made the biggest impact on you lately? OH, THIS. I literally watched it an hour ago, and cried my face off. I also watched another one where a bunch of kids flash mobbed a NYC station (I would so love to do that…follow your dreams guys!) and one with little babies (I’m not sure how big the impact they made on my was…but THEY’RE SO CUTE).
  10. And, last but not least, what was the funniest thing you read recently? Please share! ;-) The comment I made for this post. I didn’t realize we were so funny.

Nominations: I think the Sisterhood of Traveling-I mean, uh, of Bloggers, should be available to everybody! Boys included! LET’S MAKE IT WORLDWIDE, BABY.

Oh wait…it already is? Well then…Oh well, anybody can answer my questions then!

My Questions: I liked a lot of the original ones, so I’m going to just give the go-ahead to answer the same questions that I did!

How do these posts end up being so long?


My Brain Is Currently All Over The Place April 8, 2014

And by all over the place, I mean ALL over the place.

1) Okay, so remember how I told you that I was going to raise sponsors, and how much fun it would be.

….Yeahhhh, now I know why nobody ever gets into pageants. Darn $500.

2) PROM IS THIS WEEKEND! And I don’t have a jacket/sweater thingy to go with my dress yet…


4) I keep forgetting I still need to get money for Girls Camp. For real.


6) This is the conversation I had with my teacher this morning. Work for word.

Teacher: Hello Kirsten. How can I help you today?
Me: Hi Mrs. Davis :D I wanted to talk to you about the 6.07 Assignment.
Teacher: Ok
Me: Okay, so, it says in the instructions that it needs to be 600-650 words long, but I think that that’s too long. If the point is to make this an online article, people won’t want to read something that’s that long. The original story is only, 450-ish words long, and newspaper stories that are online are generally shorter than the ones that are published in an actual newspaper
AND we’re still supposed to be deleting sentences. I know we’re supposed to add some too, but that’d still keep it at about 500 words.
Sooo yup. I think it should be shorter.
*are generally shorter than the ones that are published in an actual newspaper
Teacher: Hi Kirsten – please follow the directions. Part of the challenge of writing an online story is to keep the reader engaged by making it interesting. Do the best you can, but make sure you follow the directions.
Me: But the point is to make this as real and authentic as possible, right? It won’t be as real if the online article is longer than the print-out version. Shouldn’t it at least be the same length? I mean, take Wikipedia for example…that’s a condensed version of a bunch of different information from other stories and websites.
Teacher: I’m sorry you don’t agree with the lesson requirements, but if you want maximum points, you have to follow and meet them. Like I said, just do your best and try to make it as engaging and interesting as possible.

…Come on, tell me that wasn’t an amazing argument.

7) My own sisters don’t want me (or my other sister/their other older sister) at their skating rink party. WHERE IS THE LOVE/I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT I DID/ I DIDN’T EVEN DO ANYTHING YET D:

8) Stupid French…

9) I TOTALLY SHOULD’VE GOTTEN A 100% ON MY HISTORY PAPER. I got a 90, and that’s great and all…BUT STILL.

10) Dylan hasn’t emailed me back yet…

11) Josh hasn’t texted me back yet…

12) I’m running out of minutes on my phone, and I need to buy more, but COME ON PEOPLE I HAVE OTHER STUFF I NEED TO BUY TOO

13) Dex and Chazz haven’t emailed me back yet…

14) Google hasn’t had a picture thingy on its main page for forever D:



And that, ladies and gentleman, is my random list of woes that I thought of just now.

Back to your regularly scheduled program.



P.S. OH OH OH BUT IN GOOD NEWS, the guy I like sat next to me. And today’s his half birthday. And he probably doesn’t know it but THAT’S OKAY ‘CAUSE I STILL FELT SPECIAL DEEP INSIDE. Okay. I’m good now.


How Did This Even Happen… February 26, 2014

So this semester, I decided to take a Journalism as an elective. This, I thought, would be BEYOND perfect. When I was younger, I used to want to be a reporter (along with a football player, a ballerina, a doctor, and teacher, a botanist, and girl version of Watson…) and I already love to write.

PERFECT, I told myself.

So the week before last, we submitted a story proposal. I picked to cover a girl from a local high school that was one of 16 people who received a computing award.

Last week, we submitted possible interview questions.

Then we went over good leads and kickers and proper news story layouts.

Not ONCE that ENTIRE TIME did it occur to me that I’d ACTUALLY have to interview a REAL LIFE person. Not once. Ever.

Now, I know I’m pretty smart (by pretty smart, I mean I know how to type and tie my shoes. And use the mailbox and I know how to climb up and down the stairs. Most of the time).


So NOW, I thought, I have to go hunt down this girl’s cell phone.

While looking for her cell phone number, I also found out that she was also chosen for the Senate Youth Program and scholarship.She also organized a fundraiser for a rape crisis center. She ALSO one of the 35 HS Women to win a Leading Technology Award. And to TOP IT ALL OFF, she’s ALSO the Kansas State Rep for the D.A.R.E. America Youth Advisory Board.

OF ALL THE STUFF SHE’S DONE, I chose to pick the topic of her winning a computing award…..

How does this only happen to me…

On another note that really pertains to this note but I’m making a new sentence for it anyways, it’s people like this that makes me feel lazy. I mean, Senate Youth Program? Scholarships? THE D.A.R.E YOUTH COMMITTEE?!

Oh, and my mom also made apple pie. It was very yummy.



Filed under: 2014,fail... — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 12:50 pm
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I had NO idea this said Angel til I read it for the 4th time So THIS is what school does to you...

I had NO idea this said Angel til I read it for the 4th time
So THIS is what school does to you…


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