
Creative Writing Inc.

Ahhh Another Award… May 2, 2014

EDIT: Forgot to post the rules…



You never know if you’re doing something right until you get nominated 20 times for the same award (my most FAVORITE award). Maybe I should start a trophy shelf…THAT’D be cool.

ANYWAYS, I’d like to thank the wonderful Adrian Sanchez. I have absolutely no idea who you are, but I’ll go ahead and assume you’re awesome since I was nominated. *Gold star.*

You’re welcome.

Now, first off, I would like to express my confusion…I did in no way know that we were supposed to post 11 random facts about ourselves before we get on to answering the questions. WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?

Are you guys hiding rules from me…? Because if you are, then THE JOKES ON YOU because I never would have found out it was a joke anyways. So HA!

1) I really really like pie Like, more than cake. Really

2) I also really REALLY like Nutella Especially on bagels…IT’S JUST SO GOOD

3) I do not like chocolate with nuts in it …who does?

5) I just skipped fact number four

6) And now I’m going to put it after fact number seven

7) And you just looked to see if it’s there, which it’s not But that’s a fact about you, and not me

8)  I REALLY LIKE SCARING THE CRAP OUT OF PEOPLE April Fool’s is one of my most favorite holiday’s in existence

9) I have three sisters All of which are little monsters whom I adore

4) I put number four back You’re welcome, #4

10) When I was picking what language I wanted to do for high school, I couldn’t decide on whether I wanted to do Spanish or French, so, in a spur-of-the-moment decision, I went with French. But they uploaded Spanish. So I told them I wanted French One of the worst decision’s I have ever made ever

11) I didn’t get a cell phone until last year The pain I felt when I saw 7-year olds with iPhone’s…


The Questions:


What are you reading right now? Well, I just finished reading the Red Badge of Courage for literature, but I’m still kind of reading it because I have to write a literary analysis on it. I’m also 1 page in to my honors lit book, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (gosh, I don’t hate you Twain, but really, you suck sometimes).
How do you choose which books you want to read? Wow, I just now really looked at all these questions, and they all have to do with reading or writing…where’s the “Do you pick your nose when you sleep?” questions?

How do I choose…hm. That’s a good question. I have an account on goodreads, so I’ll usually read whatever’s popular for teens (sometimes. sometimes the popular books look TERRIBLE) or whatever my friend’s suggest or whatever book it says I might like or whatever book looks like it won’t end in heartbreak and tears and broken plates and such.
What is your writing process? For creative writing? Or for school? Well, I guess it’s about the same both ways…so NEVERMIND, don’t answer that. The way I write is by brain dump. I put everything on paper and try not to stop until I’m finished (otherwise, all my literature papers would look like my short stories…nonexistent/not finished).
Which author do you admire and why? OOOO that’s a HARD one…like, really hard. Really REALLY hard. Really REally REAlly REALy REALLY hard. And I’m probably just going to procrastinate on this question until the end of humanity.
What is your favorite place to write and why? …On my computer….mostly because my writing sucks when I’m writing on paper. Plus, I type faster than I write, so I can get all my ideas down faster. I can’t WAIT until somebody invents a computer that has a headpiece that you can put on, and all your brain information gets sent to the computer….
What books are you looking forward to this year? That Are Coming Out: The One (IT BETTER NOT END WEIRD OR I’LL BE SO MAD AT HER THERE WON’T EVEN BE WORDS JUST LOTS OF GIBBERISH SOUNDING YELLING), The Blood Of Olympus (THAT ONE BETTER NOT END WEIRD EITHER WITH EVERYBODY DEAD/ DYING ALL OVER THE PLACE OR I’LL FIND RIORDAN’S FREAKING ADDRESS AND SEND HIM A LETTER ABOUT HOW MAD I AM AT HIM EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE), anddd I can’t think of anymore right now. That I Need To Read: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Emerald Green, Sisters, The Book Thief, Paper Towns, The Origami Yoda etc etc etc.
When did you first start writing? Ninth grade. It started with a story (that failed), then I went into poetry (that, looking back, mostly sucked), then back to writing stories I’ve never finished. I did, however, start writing songs (the lyrics) a little bit earlier than ninth grade. THOSE, I must admit, I’m proud of. Well, most of them. Some of them I laugh at so hard, and wonder what on earth I was thinking…
What is the first book you can remember reading?

Probably something close to this

Probably something close to this

Have you ever taking any writing classes? YES YES I HAVE. It was in 9th grade, and I met the girl that taught me a habit that would eventually get me in trouble (no…it wasn’t stealing….and no….it had nothing to do with profanity…yeesh you guys’re judgmental). I even remember her name (the teacher, not the girl)…Mrs. Card (get it? Card? hehehe……no? okay then).
Who is your favorite literary character? Augustus freaking Waters and Ignifex. If I ever get married…it’ll be to one of them. And yes, that was the sound of me willingly throwing all other potential suitors out the window.

What is your favorite classic book? Hmmm…I think I’m going to say The Wizard of Oz or The Glass Menagerie (that totally and completely counts). OH OH OH OR A PRINCESS BOOK! I love princess books. Or really any fairytale for that matter…so maybe I’ll just say this.




What is your favorite flavor toothpaste?

Are you scared of planes/heights/flying?

How many cups of water do you drink and WHY AREN’T YOU DRINKING MORE (don’t worry, I am also victim of the I’mateenagerandIdon’tneedwaterduh plague)??

What was your favorite children’s show when you were, you know, a kid and stuff?

About what age did you lose your first tooth (by either natural or unnatural means)?

What is your most favorite book (you can ONLY PICK ONE and you CANNOT say ‘I don’t know’. That is an inexcusable answer)?

What is your most favorite pie (again, you can only pick one and I DON’T KNOW ISN’T AN ANSWER)?

Have you ever tried to fly away in a cardboard box?

What is your favorite color?

What is your LUCKY color (and no, it can’t be the same color as your favorite color…there’s a difference)?




Second of all, NOW here are the people I’ve nominated (who over over-talented with too few followers):

A Little Something About Ly

Blaze’s Blog

Simply Miko


And whoever else!



The Book Blogger TMI Tag January 30, 2014


First off, I’d like to thank Simply Miko…You made my ENTIRE day, so good job to you.

Now, too the questions at hand!

How old are you?

I am the LOVELY age of 16. Which means I’m old. VERY old. In fact, SO OLD, that I had to emphasize my oldness 3 times. I’m that old (*4 times).

What book are you reading?

I’m reading Violet Eyes, but I SHOULD be reading Insurgent, because it’s due to the library in about a week, and I can’t renew the hold because the waiting line for that book is RIDICULOUSLY long.

What are you wearing?



(One True Pairing, for those who don’t know.)

MUCH.TOO.HARD. That’s like asking what your favorite song is…I don’t understand how people can answer this question. Okay, I’ll go with Percy and Annabeth and Leo and Calypso (YES, I READ PERCY JACKSON. Deal with it.) and (MY FAVORITE) Hazel and Augustus (AGAIN, MY FAVORITE).

Blogger or WordPress?

WordPress. Blogger was really boring. I couldn’t even figure out how to comment on it.

I STILL don’t know how to comment on it.

Going outside being active or staying in and reading a book?

Why would you go outside when there’s books…

UNLESS it’s snowing. Because the world will never understand how much I love snow with all of my soul (I’m thinking it comes from being born so close to Christmas)

OH, or unless it’s raining when it’s sunny outside. It’s like the sun laughing at the whether. It’s amusing.

What is the last book you read?

Howl’s Moving Castle. I must say, though, that I like the movie better. Howl and Sophie falling in love at the end seemed WAY more of an after-thought in the book.

What is the book you’re going to read next?

Exile. It’s a Middle Grade book…but I read the first one and LOVED it (I laughed for a lot of it), so I’ll be INCREDIBLY disappointed if this one isn’t awesome too.

Ebooks – yes or no?

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. I like regular paperback/hardcover books WAY better.

The only way I’d ever use a Kindle or whatever is if I went to some out of country place, and I didn’t feel like wandering from place to place looking for a library that probably won’t have any books written in English. THEN I’d definitely pick ebooks, ’cause I’m not dragging a suitcase full of books that’ll be due in a month to Italy.

Where do you prefer to read?

Anywhere people are less likely to bother me. Occasionally, that means hiding under my bed.

Who is the last person you tweeted?


Whose blog did you look at last?

Simply Miko (I had to copy and paste all these questions, didn’t I?), and before that The Little Engine that Couldn’t (CAUSE HE’S COOL), and before that Ben’s Bitter Blog (because we’re polar opposites. And because he’s funny), and BEFORE THAT…you know what, I think I’ll stop now.

Who is your favorite blogger?


Okay, I like Simply Miko (CAUSE HE’S STILL AMAZINGLY AWESOME), The Little Engine that Couldn’t (CAUSE HE’S STILL COOL TOO), and Fate loves the fearless (BECAUSE SHE IS MY MOST FAVORITE BLOGGER PERSON EVER and because she’s the reason I joined WordPress in the first place), and Is Everyone an Idiot but Me? (because SHE’S FUNNY TOO)

Who is your favorite book-tuber?



What do you do when someone tells you reading is boring?

Walk away. Just walk. Away.

Who is the last author you spoke to?

Uh, I’ve never talked too an author before…BUT I know plenty of bloggers. Kind of. That counts, right?

Who is the last person you texted?


Who is your all-time favorite book character?

Ooooo that’S hard. *Skips*


What is your preferred drink whilst reading?

Whilst? Are we speaking old English now?

Water. Or orange juice.

OR EVEN BETTER, Lemonade. Because lemonade makes everything better.

If you hated reading, what would you be doing instead?

Be social? Have a life? Be school-obsessed? I don’t know…what does everybody else do?

How many bookshelves / bookcases do you have?

One bookcase, three shelves (I’m trying to get my sister to let me use her one shelf because mine are overflowing, but she keeps saying no…)

If you had the choice to meet all of your favorite book bloggers or all of your favorite authors, which would you pick? You can only pick one.

AUTHORS. That way, I can get EVERY BOOK I OWN signed, and then sell it 56 years later for a million dollars.

THAT, my friends, is the way to retire.

Insta-love: yes or no?


Favorite author(s)?

John Green, Rick Riordan, Jessica Day George, Gail Carson Levine, Shannon Messenger, Raina Telgemeier…

What is the number-one book on your wishlist?

If I could read the next Percy Jackson book right now, I would cry pure tears of happiness and joy.


Which is your favourite book-to-film adaption?

As soon as it comes and and after I watch it and decide to love it with all my soul, THE FAULT IN OUR STARS.

What is the last song you listened to?

Let it Go in 25 languages (it’s cool) and Lonely Nights (it’s REALLY good)

Which do you enjoy reading more – negative reviews or positive reviews?

Negative. I like to laugh at them. My friends will get negative comments on everything, and we’ll just laugh together. It’s the best.

But no one ever gives me ANY BAD COMMENTS.

Not that I’m complaining. I like nice comments. I like comments in general. I like reblogging and liking and supportive stuff like that. But I still like reading negative comments better.

Who are you going to tag?

…I almost didn’t even see this one. OKAY, LET’S SEE: Fate loves the fearless, #hartChronicles, brownautumn96 (because I BELIEVE you’re still alive somewhere)…and whoever else wants too!


I love google November 23, 2013

Filed under: 2013,BAM,SATURDAY WOO HOO,THIS WAS DIFFICULT — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 10:34 am

So today is Dr. Who’s 50th Birthday…


That is all.

dr who


14) Post your favorite book, favorite movie, favorite band, and favorite food. September 21, 2013

Filed under: 2013,30 day challenge,THIS WAS DIFFICULT — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 12:05 pm

I have been avoiding this question for a VERY long time. So while I’m in the writing mood and before I shy away from this (again), I shall go ahead and post.

Favorite Book: ….and the torture begins. Why do so many people ask this question? I mean, do you honestly know ANYone that has actually answered this question with a real book? The only person I know that could MAYBE narrow it down to two or three books is my mom. Maybe. So I’ll just pretend this says ‘Post your favorite book out of the books you own’. More specifically because I won’t have to choose from well over 7 billion books, and I can just choose from my 60 or so. So I think my three most favorite is The Reluctant God by Pamela F. Service, Keeper of the Lost Cities (Shannon Messenger) and The Amaranth Enchantment (Julie [i forget her middle initial] Berry). But I LOVE all the books to the City of Ember (that series was AMAZINGNESS) and the new Percy Jackson series (I was really going to cry at the end of the 3rd one. I can’t WAIT for the 4th to come out) and the Hunger Games (..there are no words to describe the awesomness of that series. if you haven’t read them all, READ THEM). And Nancy Drew (I LOVE her). See why I avoided this question for so long? I’ll bet you anything I’ll remember more awesome books right after I publish this…

Favorite Movie: GAH, I DON’T KNOW! I’ll go with Mission Impossible (the first one…I haven’t seen the rest yet) and Epic (it was AWESOME). And that Ice Age: Continental Drift one (it was HILARIOUS).

Favorite Band: Um, I don’t really have one. I like all kinds of music (I mean seriously ALL kinds. I’ll listen to pretty much anything).

Favorite Food: I don’t really have one of those, but at the moment, I could REALLY go for some ice cream. Or brownies (they’re my most favorite dessert. right up there with lemon bars). Or DONUTS (we go back a looooong ways) :D


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