
Creative Writing Inc.

Liebster (what is that anyways?) Award March 25, 2014

I LOVE these so much. They make me feel good. Really good. It’s almost like having nutella and pancakes and hot chocolate and whipped cream and strawberries in the same hour…

Dang it. Now I’m hungry. THIS IS OBVIOUSLY SOMEHOW YOUR FAULT MIKO. But I forgive you since you nominated me.

You’re welcome.

The Rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.
  • Answer 10 questions given to you by the nominee before you.
  • Create 10 questions of your own.
  • Nominate 10 of your favorite blogs with fewer than 200 followers and notify them of their nomination.

The Questions:

Deserts before a meal or after a meal? Wait, are you asking if I eat it before or after meals? Or would I prefer it that way? Or do I know people that do it? OR ALL THREE COMBINED (that would be: Or do all I do three prefer know combined it people that that way it?, which kind of makes sense in a really weird kind of way…)?? I’ll just answer all of them…

A) No, I don’t eat dessert before meals. I eat it after. Unless my mom’s like YOU CAN’T HAVE THAT YOU ALREADY HAD SOME BEFORE DINNER. In that case yes, I do do that occasionally. B) I think if it were up to me, I’d do it sometimes, but not all the time. Probably just because I’m used to doing it the normal way. But WHEN I HAVE KIDS, we’re going to have dessert and then dinner once every month. I’m going to be the mosT magical/awesome/coolest/amazing mom EVER. C) Nope. D) I’m not sure how to answer that…I would combine all my answers together, but that would take awhile. MOVING ON.

Fridays or Saturdays?



If for one day, you could be anyone famous, who would you be and why? I would be my famous self 10 years from now, make an outline of how I got there, stick it in my pocket and somehow transport it back with me, and do whatever I did to get to where I was, but faster. THERE IS NO FLAW IN THIS PLAN AND THERE’S ABSOLUTELY NO-WAY-NO-HOW THIS CAN NOT WORK.

Murphy’s Law or Hedonism Paradox? Depends on the situation…but USUALLY, I’d go with Murphy’s Law, because that just seems to be the case for everywhere and everybody. HOWEVER, I’M USUALLY AN EXTREMELY(okay, maybe not extremely) OPTIMISTIC, so I like the second one better a lot of the time. So it’s 40 to 60 usually.

What’s your biggest fear? That everyone will die and I’ll be all alone and condemned to live in an apartment all by myself.

And then my next door neighbor will get a Gecko….(Worst childhood scary story E.V.E.R.)

If you were given 1 billion dollars, what would you do with it? Why? I WOULD BLOW ALL OF IT BECAUSE IF IT EVER HAPPENED, I’D PROBABLY BE DREAMING.

Actually, I’d probably go to EFY. Then drag all my friends with me. Then put a million of it in savings for college. Then buy a house. And then go on a cruise. And stay at a resort. And buy two cars. And three tablets. And 2 cell phones. And a laptop for every room in my house. And hire an interior designer. And a chef. And then donate all my clothes on go on a shopping spree. Then help a few friends get into college. And by THAT time, I should still have about 100 dollars left to put in my wallet for later purposes.

Wait…why? What do you mean WHY? EFY IS THE BESTEREDEST PLACE I’VE NEVER BEEN TOO! And I like having fun with my friends. And college is important. And houses are important too. And I’ve never been on a cruise. And I don’t think I’ve ever stayed at a REAL resort. And having cars is a good investment. And I probably don’t need that many tablets, but that’s okay. And I need one to put in the car! And laptops are important! And I need somebody to decorate the inside of my house…duh. And because SHOPPING IS FUN, and because my friends wants to go into that kind of thing as her college major/job, so I’d be completely and totally helping a fellow American civilian *heart of gold*.  And college is still important. AND LEFT OVER MONEY IS…GOOD….yeahhh I’ve run out of barely descriptive words.

One thing you’re pretty sure no one knows about you? I have never ever at any point ever had lice.

What? I HAVEN’T! I doubt anyone’s ever suspected it…but there you are.

Is talent born or made? I think it’s both, but more the second one. Someone can naturally enjoy something, like playing the piano, and might enjoy playing it, but that talent needs to be molded. This 5 year old isn’t going to come on the stage for grammy’s and be like WATCH THIS EVERYBODY and play The Four Seasons or something.

Is the glass half full or half empty? The glass will always and forever be half full. Unless somebody’s pouring me lemonade and didn’t fill it up all then way. Then YOU NEED TO GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT BECAUSE WHOEVER DOESN’T GIVE OUT FULL GLASSES OF LEMONADE IS OBVIOUSLY GOING NO WHERE AND GOING THERE FAST. Just saying.

Do you prefer blogging more about yourself, more about life and daily happenings, or just plain fiction writing? Well, considering I don’t know what ‘just plain’ fiction writing is (…really?), it’s not that one. And I’m not sure if I blog more about the first one or the second one…I’ll go with the second one.


My Questions:

Pooh or Tigger? (this is an obvious no brainer that no one could EVER POSSIBLY GET WRONG)

Pooh or Piglet? (okay…this one’s harder…BUT I BELIEVE IN YOU)

Pooh or Rabbit (…don’t. even.)

POOH OR KANGA?? (okay, I’m done)

If you had to pick being a youtube star or getting a million dollar check from some old rich grandpa you never knew existed, which would you pick, and why? (this is obviously my definition of serious)

What was your favorite childhood toy?

WHO IS YOUR MOST ANNOYING SIBLING (and the most annoying thing they’ve done recently)?

What is your absolute most favorite number? (NOT YOUR LUCKY NUMBER, your favorite number)

Who’s blogger page do you most enjoy looking at? (*ahem* *charming smile*)

If you traveled to the future, what would be the FIRST thing you’d want to see?



The Blog By A Kid

Caffeinated and Opinionated

Blaze’s Blog

Gosh…you never know how many followers everybody has until you have to do one of these. Then you find out that everybody you follow has 20 million other followers…sheesh. But MIKO, YOU CAN DO IT TOO.

And anyone else who wants too can do it too! HAVE AT IT GUYS!


SIDE NOTE: Oh, and to those who I promised a trophy, a ribbon, and cotton candy, HERE YOU GO :D

I am the best nominater person ever...

I am the best nominater person ever…


6) When was the last time you were truly honest with someone? What was it about? January 15, 2013

….I’m starting to think that these are reeeeeeally dumb questions.
I was honest with someone today about their relationship with someone. He needed some advice with asking this girl out, and I was all SUUUUUUUUUREEEEE (him knowing full well that he was about to be trapped in a well of ‘advice’) >:D

SO then I gave him some advice…..the end.




Filed under: 2013,in the beginning,keeping it real,slowly dying... — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 5:38 pm

So I suppose that I should add a new post on here…
Well, nothing’s going on. Seriously.
Well, there is…okay, re-phrasing.
Nothing non-personal/shareable is going on. Seriously.

Yupp, that’s right….HEY! I CAN DO THAT 30 DAY THING! Just gotta go see where I left off…


Why an American Soldier is not America

Filed under: 2013,in the beginning — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 12:22 pm

I know that a lot of people might disagree with this, but this is one of the most sensible, straightforward, and non-curse filled argument/post that I’ve ever read. Ever.

Why an American Soldier is not America.


The Agony Of A/Some Tiny Tooth/Teeth January 9, 2013

Filed under: 2013,in the beginning,OHHHH THE HUMANITY,slowly dying... — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 12:29 pm

…the one where I said I was going to post every week-day?
It died. And all because I had to get some stupid teeth pulled out. Do you have any idea how much it hurts/doesn’t? One minute your fine, the next minute your all “uuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggggh….just kill me now worldddd….” and then you feel like puking your guts out.
Oh, and just for the record, I got 8 teeth pulled so that I can get braces. All 4 wisdom teeth and 2 on top and 2 on the bottom.


Mortal terror=chips January 7, 2013

Filed under: 2013,in the beginning,OHHHH THE HUMANITY,Uncategorized — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 11:20 am

Today, as I’m sure no one everyone knows, is the one month anniversary of this blog.

So I went back and read what I wrote last month…..

GOSH I was boring. I don’t know how any of my friends put up with me sometimes…if I were on the other side looking at myself, I’d think I was kinda boring, but friend-worthy.

But still.

Oh, and just to clarify….I didn’t really cough in the chip bag. I did one of those fake cough/breathe-y sounds that SOUNDS like a cough….but itsn’t really one.

I still can’t believe they ate them after I fake-coughed in it. Seriously. They even looked at me with one of those OMG-EW-YOU-COUGHED-IN-THE-CHIPS looks (for those of you who don’t know what that looks like, it’s a look of disgust/terror/surprise/terror/anxiety (to get your chips out of the grubby hands of whoever coughed in it….even though mine were NOT grubby. At all.)/…..terror).


The world through young eyes January 5, 2013

4) Write about a period of time in your life where things seemed to be constantly going good.

Well, the year I was 5 turning 6 and in second grade was definitely a good year. It was a beautiful year. It was a FANTASTIC year. It was the last year of public schooling I’ve ever had.
It was a good year. I think we moved once the next year, but I was too young to care too incredibly much.


Okay…this is gonna be the LAST.ONE. January 4, 2013


I am seriously just going to keep posting until I find something to do. That’s one of the many problems with school breaks. You wish and wish and wish they would come faster, but if they’re longer than a few days, you run out of things to do…which helps no one.

So, question….is it weird to eat ice? ‘Cause I think it is…and my sisters sitting across from me doing it. Doesn’t that dull your teeth faster or something?

I think I’m going to go start a debate with someone….and win. Have I mentioned before that I’m an avid debator? I’ll debate your ears off if you give me a good topic.

Or maybe I’ll go rant about this one guy friend of mine…

He should be punched, by the way. Brutally. Or at least nearly so. And it’s not what he did to me either…..OKAY! HAPPY TOPIC!


Ummmm…..OH, about bunnies. They kinda freak me out. They’re my favorite animal (kinda sorta), but they freak me out….I don’t even know what their teeth look like. And I’m way too chicken to google it. For some reason, I’ve always imagined bunnies teeth to look something between wood-looking teeth (like George Washington! :D) and something from Bunicula. But if I ever found out, and they look like what I think they look like….I will seriously go out and find another animal to be my favorite. Seriously.

And I seriously need to quit saying seriously so much. Seriously.



3) If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you want to do? (I still can’t believe I remembered to do this…hehehe)

Wellll…I would skip school, talk to all my friends for hours, take my entire family with me everywhere (cause some family time needs to get in there somewhere), go shopping like a maniac, fly to colorado and go say bye to Alex, fly back REEEEEEEEEEEEALLY fast, and end my night going to a SUPER HUGE party.

I’d be the one crashing the party, but still.


Home school ramblings January 3, 2013

Filed under: 2013,bored to the death of humanity,in the beginning — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 11:40 am

One of the surprising many downsides of being home-schooled is that you can get behind…

So behind, behind isn’t even the right word.

Now I’m not THAT far behind…just by a couple days, but GOSH you’ve got to work hard to get back on track with everyone else. I have to read, like, hundreds of pages for history…and I LIKE history. Well, not so much anymore, but still.

Bottom line, if you’re not AMAZING at budgeting time or if you’re not REALLY good at NOT procrastinating, do NOT do home school. Like, ever. Unless you want practice for college…then you might want to go ahead and sign up for it.

I seriously don’t understand why people are all OMG UR SO LUCKYYYYYY when I tell them I’m home schooled. I go to an online charter school people….YOU HAVE THE SAME AMOUNT OF TALK TIME AND EVERYTHING. The only thing that’s different is that you don’t have a person standing directly in front of you when you’re talking to them. Even then, they technically are since you both have to be in front of the computer at the same time. You get the same amount of bullying…and drama…and that kind of sarcasm where you can’t tell it was sarcasm until later when somebody’s all like, “Uhh…you know that was sarcasm…right?” and your all, “OF COURSE I KNEW THAT! I’m not dumb or anything…”. Not that you are dumb…but yeah.

I just don’t understand it.


Cute Puppy Love

All the Cute Stuff You Love to See Everyday!


Smile! You’re at the best WordPress.com site ever

Teens Can Write, Too!

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The Upstairs Archives

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Dysfunctional Literacy

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The Blog By a Kid

Insights from a kid who's bored regularly.

Caffeinated & Opinionated

where life meets pop culture

Drinking Tips for Teens

Creative humour, satire and other bad ideas by Ross Murray, an author living in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada. Is it truth or fiction? Only his hairdresser knows for sure.

colorless canvas

15, Seattle

300 stories

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The Mostly Confused Teenager

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The Pen and the Sword

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