
Creative Writing Inc.

and the days go by September 21, 2013

Before I answer the question, or even post the question I’m answering, I’m just going to say that they should’ve been more specific. Seriously. How am I supposed to answer such a broad question? I mean, I can…but they still should’ve been more specific.

So the question in…question…is  number 21, How has your life changed over the past year?

….Okay, I obviously wasn’t reading this right. So never mind about the entire first part. I would scratch it all out…but I think I’ll just leave it as a public example of how my smart self is balanced out by…that.

But let’s see…last year this time, it would’ve been almost three months since my mom got re-married to my current-dad.

I can already tell you that a lot of things have changed since then. For one thing, I’m not immediately revolted at the sight of him (I was that kid in all the movies that didn’t like the new step-person, while everyone else did. Somebody should REALLY make a movie out of my life. It’d be interesting). I actually like him now. I don’t have a boyfriend anymore (not diving into details about that). We moved (worst. move. ever.). I found out that I could graduate half a year early (SEE YA SENIORS WOOP)…next year (…and the magic dies. just a little bit).

So a lot of events have happened in the past year. It DEFINITELY wasn’t a year of things I was expecting. I know, that’s life…but I like that it contradicts what I’ve been saying for awhile now.

You see, I’ve recently developed the theory that life is much too laid out. You need to do that, your inevitably going to have to do that, everyone expects that other thing, etc. Then, life throws some curve ball at you. A new person, a move, a death note…you know what I mean. Then you’re suddenly kind of confused. You had half of your life all planned out, but then, your not as sure of yourself. Then money starts to throw itself into the mix. You’ll need more money than you originally thought to fix this and that problem. And then this person is in trouble, and you should probably help them. THEN somebody decides to get sick (okay, not all of this has actually happened to me all out one time…I’m just throwing it out there). So you have all this swirling around, and you still have to worry about your social life and school. Sometimes, you don’t even realize all this is happening until you’re sitting all by yourself at some point, and you start to think about your life, and then, your just like ‘What the [insert whatever word you would normally use]’.

So like I was saying, I like how this year contradicted my theory. Why live a boring, normal, planner filled (ew) life when you can have curve balls thrown at you every couple hours?

Okay, I don’t really want either of those, but you get the point.


Return of Captain Underpants August 17, 2013

Filed under: 2013,just being thoughtful,SATURDAY WOO HOO — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 1:28 pm

Note: Before you read this post, I must warn you that the title has absolutely ZERO to do with the post. You may carry on.

Well today on this lovely day of the 17th of August, I am doing nothing. Well of course I’m blogging. And before I was blogging I was doing something. And before the something that I did before the blogging that I did before the nothing, I was doing something; but you get the point.
A few days ago (which was really yesterday, it just seems like it was forever ago), someone asked me to give some kind of thoughtful insight. Just anything (okay, they didn’t ASK me yesterday….I just answered yesterday, but we’re getting to that). So yesterday (see? told you) I was feeling particularly thoughtful. Yes, reader, I do think sometimes, I promise. And I wrote about this deep overwhelming sense of having love (I’ll post what I wrote at the bottom after I’m done). Now that I’ve had the chance to look back on it, I’ve discovered a few things. The first thought I had was, MAN am I smart sometimes. The second one was I wonder if everybody else knew I was this smart…’cause I didn’t. But the third thing (I promise it’ll get ore serious) was just wow. I know that some people might not particularly feel this way, and it might be different…you never know, maybe you just haven’t felt it yet. But I’d like to believe that this is some insight that’ll be useful to somebody. I mean, I needed a whole day of bad stuff to happen, and then a bunch of apologizing, and listening to the same song on repeat for at least 30 times for me to be able to push this out (even though I am better with communicating through papers and letter than verbally). Maybe that’s part of the reason while we have all this stuff to go through. So that we can have some learned lessons under our belts before we move on to the next and bigger step in life (for me it’d be college, for you…who knows? maybe it’s marriage or retirement or something).

I just realized how long I’ve saved this question…but I’m feeling thoughtful right now :3
But I think it’s weird how sometimes, you can be filled with this incredible overpowering love for someone, but not exactly LOVE them. Maybe that’s how it feels to be in love…when you have that feeling that you want to give that person your heart…just to see what they’ll do with it, and if they’ll love you back.

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