
Creative Writing Inc.

Fog, among other things January 10, 2014

The weather outside looks AWFUL. Like fog mixed with rain mixed with snow mixed with bleh. Like the old man who was snoring got a cold. And he keeps sneezing random drizzles of rain. And since he couldn’t blow his nose, he let it leak out, and it turned into sticky, cold foggy.


Okay, so remember that thirty day challenge I started? It took a year and a month and 2 days, but I’M FINALLY ON THE LAST QUESTION!

Just a side note, I’m not sure why on earth I gave the post that title (not this one, the other one). Looking back, it’s ridiculous. I’m also not sure why I put the whole ditch and babies thing there either…that doesn’t even make any logical sense (not that it ever does…but that’s not the point). I should’ve put something to do with shooting. Or skinny dipping. Or something completely out of the water like that (out of the water…hehe…no? okay).

But here it is:

30) Where do you think you’ll be in 5 years?

…They just couldn’t have thought of a better question.

Okay, so in 5 years, it’ll be January 10th, 2019. So that year, I’ll have been in college for four years, and my sister will have been in college for two years, and my twin sisters will be graduating college the next year…so they’ll be juniors. I’m pretty sure. Arooound this time, my mom and dad will probably have moved to Washington (probably), and I’ll probably stay here and do college (NO PARENTS, WOOHOO!). About next week, I should be returning back to Kansas to go back to school…HEY, I’LL BE ALMOST DONE WITH MY BACHELOR’S! I better be married by then…but no kids. I have never understood why someone would get married, go on a 3 day honeymoon, then have kids 5 months later. I just don’t understand. Umm, I don’t exactly know what I’ll have almost majored in..BUT I’m looking into Event Planning, Voice, and kind of Journalism/Creative Writing right now. I’ll have this great job I want to work at already lined up, and it’ll be SO AMAZING, that I won’t even mind that I’ll have to wake up at 5am just so I can get a day’s work done. But I’ll be happy, so it won’t really matter.

Man, I have this more planned out then I thought I did.


I think i’ve learned something from this November 2, 2013

29) Write about any particular habits/mannerisms that you have.

I’m just wondering, but shouldn’t this be a question that somebody else answers?

You know, I think I will ask everybody in here…MOMENT.

*2 minutes later*

Mom: Slouching, putting my fingers in my mouth, doing a blink-y thing when I don’t get something (apparently, I open my eyes slightly wider and I look like O.O *BLINK* O.O O.O O.O *BLINK**BLINK*), putting big bites of food in my mouth and swallowing, I like giving lots of high-fives and hugs(THIS IS TRUENESS)

Nana ( Grandma): I love my Nana so much and she knows it, good big sister

Younger Sister (the middle one): I make other people laugh even if it’s not that funny

Twin #1 (Youngest Sister #1): Cheerful, fun, creative, awesome dress drawer (this is a total lie, and I honestly have no idea where she got this from), I know how to dress well in desperate times (I cut off the conversation at this point)

Twin #2 (the youngest of the youngest children): Weird, I like to smiley face a lot (…..?)


I find it very amusing how no one mentioned how mean I am with jokes, and my incredible sense of sarcasm (as soon as I told everybody this, my mom said “Yeah, but your sarcasm isn’t REAL” and I’m like ……?). And that I make up words. Oh, and that my mom started rattling off bad things. LOVE YOU TOO MOM.


I’m Wishing (I’m wishing) for some pumpkin pie, to find me (to find me) today (today) November 1, 2013

You know, the two most awesome things that I did yesterday was that I had a conversation with the whiteboard (YES, I DO TALK TO MYSELF. I can be normal….kidding). and that I wrote to computer ghosts.

On another note about crazy comments leaving my mouth, this morning, me and two of my friends were talking about being 16 and dating and all in the middle of class, and after a little while, I randomly blurted out, I have a husband (or I’m married…something crazy like) and Emma looked at me like I was nuts, and Laura…you know that face people make when the spit water out in the movies? Yeah, she looked like she would’ve done that if she had any water. It REALLY is the most amusing thing, watching people’s reactions when I say that.

And just to clarify, I’m not ACTUALLY married. I mean, if fake marriages were legal, then right now, I’m married to 4 guys…so thank goodness they’re not!

And it’s probably time for another one of those 30-day challenge questions….you know, it’s hilarious because instead of taking the 30-days it was supposed to originally take, it took almost a year. I find this VERY amusing. But HERE is lovely number 28.

28) If you had three wishes, what would they be?

1. More wishes.

2. Famous singer/songwriter.

3. The ability to make friends with whoever I want at will (okay, this is the one that’s most likely to come true…but even for a people person like me, it’s HARD).



Filed under: 2013,30 day challenge,ooo well this is depressing :O — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 6:53 pm

23) Talk about your crushes.

Oh crap I hate it when they bring up stuff like this…but hey, I’m almost done…might as well finish it out now.

Well, I’ll tell it straight out..I don’t really have any crushes right now. Not any real ones. The one person I could still have one on, I don’t really talk to him anymore. The guys here…I really like this one guy, but I only like him as a friend. I actually wish I was better friends with him, but only because we don’t really talk all that much. He’s not even really my friend…so that’s another reason.

But yeah. Other than the first guy, I don’t really know anyone else.

I miss knowing people ._. And having friends I could tell anything too at any moment of the day…

But OH WELL! Moving on with life :P


Oh….I see how it is October 3, 2013

22) Find a horoscope site and post yours.

Okay, so I went to the girls life horoscope site (WELL I DIDN’T WANT A SITE WHERE IT SAYS ‘This month, you should invest your money into such and such type of company because such and such month on such and such day is a bad day to invest in such and such and make sure you pay special attention to blah blah blah etc etc etc’), and it SAYS:

Capricorn: This is a good week to prove yourself on the sports field, showing your coaches and teammates that you’re a superstar. Run that extra mile, push a little harder in warm ups, score up all the goals! It may feel as if others are trying to work against you, but they might actually just be trying to help.

…I might not be the brightest crayon in the box, but I’ve learned not to exactly put my whole entire trust in horoscopes. Sure, they give good advice (like in this one, pushing extra hard to make sure that you’re doing your best is a great thing), and I’m all for it, but for ONE thing, I’m not enrolled in any sports. I suck at like, all of them (that’s not the REASON I’m not enrolled in anything, however). And two, they have to make this for 2097093673092709 other people that have their birthday’s around the same time as you do.

So while horoscopes are fun to look at and read and make fun of or whatever you like to do with them, they’re just not THAT awesome. Not awesome enough to be like OH MY GOSH IT SAYS TO WATCH THIS SHOW ALL DAY AND I WILL IF IT MEANS I’LL HAVE TO SKIP WORK OR DIE TRYING. That’s just creepy. Just saying.


14) Post your favorite book, favorite movie, favorite band, and favorite food. September 21, 2013

Filed under: 2013,30 day challenge,THIS WAS DIFFICULT — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 12:05 pm

I have been avoiding this question for a VERY long time. So while I’m in the writing mood and before I shy away from this (again), I shall go ahead and post.

Favorite Book: ….and the torture begins. Why do so many people ask this question? I mean, do you honestly know ANYone that has actually answered this question with a real book? The only person I know that could MAYBE narrow it down to two or three books is my mom. Maybe. So I’ll just pretend this says ‘Post your favorite book out of the books you own’. More specifically because I won’t have to choose from well over 7 billion books, and I can just choose from my 60 or so. So I think my three most favorite is The Reluctant God by Pamela F. Service, Keeper of the Lost Cities (Shannon Messenger) and The Amaranth Enchantment (Julie [i forget her middle initial] Berry). But I LOVE all the books to the City of Ember (that series was AMAZINGNESS) and the new Percy Jackson series (I was really going to cry at the end of the 3rd one. I can’t WAIT for the 4th to come out) and the Hunger Games (..there are no words to describe the awesomness of that series. if you haven’t read them all, READ THEM). And Nancy Drew (I LOVE her). See why I avoided this question for so long? I’ll bet you anything I’ll remember more awesome books right after I publish this…

Favorite Movie: GAH, I DON’T KNOW! I’ll go with Mission Impossible (the first one…I haven’t seen the rest yet) and Epic (it was AWESOME). And that Ice Age: Continental Drift one (it was HILARIOUS).

Favorite Band: Um, I don’t really have one. I like all kinds of music (I mean seriously ALL kinds. I’ll listen to pretty much anything).

Favorite Food: I don’t really have one of those, but at the moment, I could REALLY go for some ice cream. Or brownies (they’re my most favorite dessert. right up there with lemon bars). Or DONUTS (we go back a looooong ways) :D


and the days go by

Before I answer the question, or even post the question I’m answering, I’m just going to say that they should’ve been more specific. Seriously. How am I supposed to answer such a broad question? I mean, I can…but they still should’ve been more specific.

So the question in…question…is  number 21, How has your life changed over the past year?

….Okay, I obviously wasn’t reading this right. So never mind about the entire first part. I would scratch it all out…but I think I’ll just leave it as a public example of how my smart self is balanced out by…that.

But let’s see…last year this time, it would’ve been almost three months since my mom got re-married to my current-dad.

I can already tell you that a lot of things have changed since then. For one thing, I’m not immediately revolted at the sight of him (I was that kid in all the movies that didn’t like the new step-person, while everyone else did. Somebody should REALLY make a movie out of my life. It’d be interesting). I actually like him now. I don’t have a boyfriend anymore (not diving into details about that). We moved (worst. move. ever.). I found out that I could graduate half a year early (SEE YA SENIORS WOOP)…next year (…and the magic dies. just a little bit).

So a lot of events have happened in the past year. It DEFINITELY wasn’t a year of things I was expecting. I know, that’s life…but I like that it contradicts what I’ve been saying for awhile now.

You see, I’ve recently developed the theory that life is much too laid out. You need to do that, your inevitably going to have to do that, everyone expects that other thing, etc. Then, life throws some curve ball at you. A new person, a move, a death note…you know what I mean. Then you’re suddenly kind of confused. You had half of your life all planned out, but then, your not as sure of yourself. Then money starts to throw itself into the mix. You’ll need more money than you originally thought to fix this and that problem. And then this person is in trouble, and you should probably help them. THEN somebody decides to get sick (okay, not all of this has actually happened to me all out one time…I’m just throwing it out there). So you have all this swirling around, and you still have to worry about your social life and school. Sometimes, you don’t even realize all this is happening until you’re sitting all by yourself at some point, and you start to think about your life, and then, your just like ‘What the [insert whatever word you would normally use]’.

So like I was saying, I like how this year contradicted my theory. Why live a boring, normal, planner filled (ew) life when you can have curve balls thrown at you every couple hours?

Okay, I don’t really want either of those, but you get the point.


AL…MOST…..FONE…wait, i mean, DONE September 20, 2013

Filed under: 2013,30 day challenge — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 7:47 pm

14) Post your favorite book, favorite movie, favorite band, and favorite food.
21) How has your life changed over the past year?
22) Find a horoscope site and post yours.
23) Talk about your crushes.
28) If you had three wishes, what would they be?
29) Write about any particular habits/mannerisms that you have.
30) Where do you think you’ll be in 5 years?

Seven more to go :D


it’s about to get messy

Filed under: 2013,30 day challenge — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 7:45 pm

24) How was your week been?

Oooo, I like this question. Gives me a good chance to rant :D So if I start doing it….don’t be surprised.

So my week started out okay…you had that usually Monday dread, those moments where you just do NOT want to get out of bed, and those school assignments that made you want to stab somebody, but that’s all the usual. I’m assuming.

But anyways, Thursday rolls along, and my mom is like (and I’m just making this short and too the point…she didn’t actually say this word for word) ‘I forbid you to talk to all of your friends from Georgia’. I was like


wait, WHAT?!?

I would’ve just been like WHAT?!?, but it was too early in the morning for that. I also probably would’ve cried, but again, it was much too early for that.

So now I have to live a lonely life all by myself with all my social media except for the family email blocked from my usage. I, however, got on without getting caught for enough time to tell everybody what the heck was going on, because they had just been sitting there wondering where I was all day. But then I had to leave. NOW I have to figure out how I’m going to make this work, because I’m obviously not going to just sit around and be like ‘Yes, mommy. I’ll do whatever you say for the rest of my life :)’.

This might sound ungrateful or something…but as soon as I’m done with school, I’m leaving FAR away. I’m going back to Georgia to go to school. I’m not exactly sure how I’m going to get there or how I’m going to pay for it…but it WILL happen. I’m not going to be sitting around, playing with my thumbs, hoping life won’t throw some boulder at me. I’m going to climb on top of that boulder, stand on top of it, and be like ‘HA! IN YOUR FACE PEOPLE’ (and yes, I’m one of those people). I love my family…but I can’t wait for college. I’m so ready for it to start. Like, right now. I know college is a death trap with creeps and serial killers around every corner, with endless suffering and emotional breakdowns and endless school work. I actually realized that last year. But as long as I get what I want out of life, that’s all that matters.

Woah, this got deep REALLY fast. I would rename my post…. but the ‘This Is About To Get Deep’ thing has already been taken, so it’s a little late. But oh well.

ANYWAYS, have a nice night folks :3 Or morning depending on where you are. Or afternoon depending on when you look at this. Or tomorrow depending on what country you’re in (I always find it weird that somewhere in the world, they’re a day ahead of me. That’s awesome and all, but wouldn’t that be confusing if you were flying there? Just saying).


great, now i’m hungry

Filed under: 2013,30 day challenge — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 7:29 pm

20) What did you eat today?

I had some french toast with whipped cream and sausage for breakfast, a ham and cheese sandwhich ( I ALWAYS spell that wrong) for lunch, and a gourmet burger for dinner.

It was allll yummy :3


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