
Creative Writing Inc.


Filed under: 2013,30 day challenge,ooo well this is depressing :O — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 6:53 pm

23) Talk about your crushes.

Oh crap I hate it when they bring up stuff like this…but hey, I’m almost done…might as well finish it out now.

Well, I’ll tell it straight out..I don’t really have any crushes right now. Not any real ones. The one person I could still have one on, I don’t really talk to him anymore. The guys here…I really like this one guy, but I only like him as a friend. I actually wish I was better friends with him, but only because we don’t really talk all that much. He’s not even really my friend…so that’s another reason.

But yeah. Other than the first guy, I don’t really know anyone else.

I miss knowing people ._. And having friends I could tell anything too at any moment of the day…

But OH WELL! Moving on with life :P



Filed under: 2013,BARNACLES,i miss the weekend,SO I'M NOT UNIVERSALLY HATED AFTER ALL — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 6:43 pm

Okay, so RE-CAP ON EVERYTHING THAT’S HAPPENED (from recently to not so recently….unless I just end up randomly listing events and killing all order that might have existed at some point):

  • That Halloween dance I was talking about was FREAKING AWESOME! Some guys re-did the Best Song Ever song by One Direction, and made it all chruch-y-y (they did it about the tree in Lehi’s dream), and it was HILARIOUS. In a good way. Mostly because none of them could sing. Or dance. And they definitely couldn’t sing. The only not-so-great thing about it was that not everybody actually ended up showing up because there was another dance the EXACT same day at the EXACT same time for another stake…so that wasn’t fun. To think, I practiced all my awesome dance moves to show Terrin and Kendrick and Kyson and Nick and JR for nothing…
  • Okay, on the last part, I was TOTALLY kidding. Completely. Like, to the point of me debating whether or not I should publish it….but I think I will ’cause hey, I’m a writer. If I’m going to make mistakes, might as well make them on here.
  • This really doesn’t require a bullet point…but I don’t feel like fixing it, so I won’t. But has ANYONE ELSE noticed that no matter how many times you listen to Mirrors (by Justin Timberlake), it NEVER EVER GETS OLD?!? I LOVE that song.
  • This Wednesday was the planning meeting for what we’re going to do all next year. So far, we’re planning on doing a human foosball game, water kickball or baseball, food sculpting, fort building, mud volleyball, beach party, downtown scavenger hunt….I love my ward SO much.
  • Next Saturday is the tailgate party, and I’m just gonna say it on here because I can’t really say it anywhere else….but EVERYBODY BETTER. SHOW. UP. Or I’ll seriously hunt them down and ask what on this EARTH WAS SO DARN IMPORTANT that they had to miss it. Seriously, I’m going to be so mad if it ends up being another one of those dance fiasco’s where they go to another stake’s activity. You have no idea how mad I’ll be. Seriously.
  • I think I’m going to start posting my Literature posts on here….YEAH! THAT’S A GREAT IDEA! AND YES, I’M TALKING TO MYSELF!
  • Speaking of talking to myself, I had a literal conversation with the whiteboard this morning….it was pretty sad. I’m going to spend half my life talking to myself and laughing at my own jokes. I feel so sorry for my husband.
  • The ice skating rink in Kansas City opens up tomorrow. I SERIOUSLY want to go sometime this winter. Like, really…I’ve never EVER been ice skating, and I would SO love to go. I will love whoever takes me for the rest of the days we both live. Which would be easily solved if I just murdered them with a knife with a handle shaped like a heart…but still. I think I’m going to ask my mom to take me for my birthday, and then I’ll just invite Hayley and Terrin and Laura and Kendrick and Kyson or something.  That would be the MOST AWESOME thing.
  • Speaking of my birthday, I’m turning 16 in December. It’s kinda weird because it’s SUCH a milestone in your life. Then it’s 18…then 20…I can’t believe I’m already this OLD. And I know, I know…I’m not THAT old. Especially to the people who’ll probably end up reading this point. Which might just be computer ghost’s, because this post is DANG long. But it’s just kinda freaky…I mean technically, I could get married in like 2 years. THAT’S creepy. Especially since it’s not exactly NOT a possibility. See what I mean?
  • On a LIGHTER birthday note, leading up to my birthday, my mom decided to do this sort of scavenger hunt that isn’t really a scavenger hunt at all. Really, we’re just using that for lack of a better thing to call it. But the way it works is that every few day/weeks, my mom randomly gives me an envelope with a number on it (the first one said #1, the second one said #2, and so on), and whips out her phone, and has me read it out loud. So far, she’s given me three. For the first one, we went to the library, and I got a library card, and it was AMAZING because I’ve been wanting one for literally 6 years. It was awesome. For the second one, we went to Kansas City to watch a Josh Groban concert, and WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS HOW FREAKING AMAZINGLY AWESOME IT WAS. He was AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG, the food was AWESOMNESS, and the opening-person was Judith Hill, and she sang BEAUTIFULLY. It was the best thing ever, oh my gosh. If I could go back to preserve one memory, it would be that one. I’ll change my mind later in life…but still. The third one, we went downtown again and watched a one-man show/version of Dracula, and it was ACCURATE and AWESOME. I mean, there were like 8 characters, and he preformed FLAWLESSLY. Well, despite the fact he was sweating. But OTHER than that.
  • My sister said a bad word (and by bad word, I mean a cuss word) on Sunday during church…and it was so bad, because someone OTHER THAN ME heard it….Oh, and did I mention that SHE DIDN’T EVEN KNOW it was a bad word? Oh my gosh…I had to leave the room for a minute ’cause I thought I was going to cry. Seriously. If someone had seen my face, they would’ve thought I had the flu or something. I looked AWFUL. Thankfully now she knows…but it gave me a freaking heart-attack. And Kaitlyn just thought it was the dang funniest thing…I wanted to strangle her so bad, because she just kept LAUGHING.

And THAT, dear computer ghosts, is about all. More (I know, I know…) later!

OH, and Happy Halloween to all…AND TOO ALL A GOOD NIGHT(sorry Santa…)!!


the past

Filed under: 2013 — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 5:50 pm

Have you ever had that sneaking suspicion that your going back to old ways?


Timo Tunes Thursday “The Starving Artist Diet” tune in at 6:30pm PT 9:30pm ET

Filed under: Uncategorized — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 3:09 pm

yeah, and then those 13 year old girls play the songs everywhere so that everyone assumes that since they hear it all the time it’s good music so then THEY go buy all the stuff and then *DEEP BREATH*
it’s TURNS OUT 1D has alien blood in them and if enough people sings their songs, we’ll bring an apocalypse down upon ourselves D:
or i could be dead wrong…i’m used to that too

KrisTs Art

View original post


BARNACLES October 11, 2013

WHY, you ask, am I naming my post that?


You’re welcome.



looking back, today’s been a pretty good day

Filed under: 2013,8 MORE DAYS!!!!!!,Bonjour fall :3,HALLOWEEN'S COMINGGG — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 7:30 pm

I think the best part of today so far…was getting into real clothes. I mean, after wearing pajamas all day, and then getting into a really cute outfit, you just FEEL BETTER. You know what I mean?

…I was so kidding by the way….

But seriously now. the best part of today was when I sat on the kitchen counter, eating my strawberry sorbet, and listening to whatever classical song came on the radio. I think that people my age should be more exposed to that kind of music…it makes you feel good. Or better. Or maybe worse….Unless you feel good, that is. But then you might feel worse afterwords, which would cancel out the good and better feelings by smothering them with worseness.

Unless you feel good. Which cancels all that out, and makes the 2 minutes it took you to read this completely worthless.

Your welcome!

Note: Yes…I am aware that worseness isn’t a word. And neither is worsness. And neither is worse’ness. Now OFF TO BABYSIT SOME KIDS!

Another Note That Concerns You None Whatsoever But I’m Putting It On Here Anyways: EIGHT MORE DAAAAAAYYYYYSSSSS!!!!!! Oh…I should probably mention what I’m excited about. Or I could just leave you all in suspense (yes, I AM that cruel).

On second thought, I’m too excited to keep it to myself, SO I shall tell whoever might be listening. Or, I guess it would be reading, in this case.

Okay, so there’s this Halloween dance next saturday…and you would NOT believe how EXCITED I am. Especially since the last one sucked. I mean, I have NOTHING against 70s and 80s music. I actually have a lot of favorite songs from both of those decades. It’s just that they always somehow manage to play the worst 80s songs they can think of…but THIS time, it’s going to be a Stake thing (if you don’t already know what that is, I’ll explain someday. Probably). This thing should be HUGE, especially since just with our three wards, we could just have our own dance…


Oh, I’m going as Athena this year. Again. (I’ll explain the again later.)


Clarity October 10, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 7:23 pm



We Hate Them October 9, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 5:25 pm

This…is beautifully perfect. Just saying.
SOME people just need to shut up and keep their comments to themselves ._.


Oh….I see how it is October 3, 2013

22) Find a horoscope site and post yours.

Okay, so I went to the girls life horoscope site (WELL I DIDN’T WANT A SITE WHERE IT SAYS ‘This month, you should invest your money into such and such type of company because such and such month on such and such day is a bad day to invest in such and such and make sure you pay special attention to blah blah blah etc etc etc’), and it SAYS:

Capricorn: This is a good week to prove yourself on the sports field, showing your coaches and teammates that you’re a superstar. Run that extra mile, push a little harder in warm ups, score up all the goals! It may feel as if others are trying to work against you, but they might actually just be trying to help.

…I might not be the brightest crayon in the box, but I’ve learned not to exactly put my whole entire trust in horoscopes. Sure, they give good advice (like in this one, pushing extra hard to make sure that you’re doing your best is a great thing), and I’m all for it, but for ONE thing, I’m not enrolled in any sports. I suck at like, all of them (that’s not the REASON I’m not enrolled in anything, however). And two, they have to make this for 2097093673092709 other people that have their birthday’s around the same time as you do.

So while horoscopes are fun to look at and read and make fun of or whatever you like to do with them, they’re just not THAT awesome. Not awesome enough to be like OH MY GOSH IT SAYS TO WATCH THIS SHOW ALL DAY AND I WILL IF IT MEANS I’LL HAVE TO SKIP WORK OR DIE TRYING. That’s just creepy. Just saying.


…excuse me for my uncontained excitement October 1, 2013

Filed under: 2013,EXCITEDNESS,GOOD-BYE SUMMER D: — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 10:24 am

Exile (Keeper of the Lost Cities, #2)


Why can’t the library get new books faster….I’m going to have to wait, like, 3 months to read it ._.


Okay….carry on.


EDIT: Nevermind, keep reading



Okay…NOW I think you can go carry on




…oh yeah…hehe….uh, I think I’m good now



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