
Creative Writing Inc.

My Review for Paper Towns by John Green: May 26, 2014

John Green…I love you. Like, seriously love you. Are you married? Is there somewhere I can file a marriage request? Courting request? Dating request? Polishing shoes request? I’ll do one of them. Or two. Or all. It all works.
But I LOVE this book. The Fault in Our Stars is still the best…BUT THIS IS DEFINITELY THE SECOND. How come they’re not making a movie out of this one? I mean, I would totally watch it… and it wouldn’t even have be as heart-wrenching as the Stars movie is going to be. I mean, what actor wouldn’t want to fake-break into Sea World? I WOULD! I mean, I’m not an actor or anything….but still.
Now, I love it with all my heart (I really do) but we do have a few problemo’s…
1) Quentin was too mushy. John (can I call you John?), sweetheart (that too?), I know you were trying to make it all deep and fill up pages and what-not, but the conversations Q had with himself were a teeny bit too deep. I mean, I have deep thoughts and all, but not THAT deep. That’s like, drowning in the ocean after playing with sharks deep. At some points in the story, the deep-ness was good. I got it. But at other points…he should have had less girl-ish thoughts. Just saying.
2) Q was a tiny bit obsessed with Margo. For real. Long-time crush or no, that’s kinda creepy.

But otherwise, I think it was all good. I FREAKING LOVED THE ROAD TRIP, though. That was by far my most FAVORITE part of the ENTIRE book.

Now about those shoe polishing requests…


If You Could Go Back In Time Or See The Future, Which Would You Choose? May 13, 2014

If I had to pick between going back in time or going into the future, I would pick going back in time.

While there are PLENTY of reasons I’ve chosen this option, a few of them are:

  1. To Remember Past Occurrences: So the next time my sister says “NO, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED…” I can say, “Uh, no, I recorded it…THIS is what happened…”

  2. Because I Can’t Remember Anything: Like where I put my earbuds…

  3. The Mysteries: If you think about it, there are WAY too many mysteries in America’s past, because either a)nobody thought to write it down, or b) nobody could write. Going back to figure out the reasons all these things happened would be AWESOME. Then I could start some secret-society-club where only me and a bunch of my friends would REALLY know what happened in ancient America…

  4. So I Can Kick Some Spanish Butt: For real. Of all the continents to slaughter people on, why couldn’t they have picked a nice island where monkeys were living? We would’ve found a way to save the monkeys. Eventually.

  5. To Fix A Few Mistakes: Wouldn’t we all like to do that…

  6. To Save Somebody Famous: Now how effing cool would it be for a picture of me saving Martin Luther King Jr. be in history books everywhere. Pretty effing cool.

  7. To Kill Somebody Famous: …What? Don’t worry, it’d only be Hitler or somebody like that (Random Fact: I did NOT know he had a love interest throughout his entire slaughter-ordeal. Just goes to show that we’re all human…though some of us more than others).

  8. Because If I Could Go Back In Time, It Would Mean I Had A Time Machine: Nuff said.




I Got Bored (You’re Welcome) May 9, 2014

If you were trapped on an abandoned island and your only resources were 3000 popsicle sticks, 3 gallons of glue, 2 tires, and 30 rubber bands, what would you do? What would you build?

Well first of all, I’d wonder why on earth there were 3 gallons of glue on an abandoned island. Then I’d wonder who one earth was able to eat 3000 popsicle’s and still be alive (just kidding, I’ve probably eaten about that many). Then I’d wonder where all of those rubber bands came from…but I don’t think I’d wonder so much about the tires. I feel like tires should be included on the list of random things that would be on a random abandoned island.

First, I’d probably build some incredibly sad and flimsy shelter out of glue and tires. I won’t go in depth explaining how that would work, because it probably wouldn’t. Second, I’d try to see if there were any more popsicles (hey, if they were there that long, then there’s got to be some liquid popsicles somewhere). Then after that I’d probably build some kind of raft/boat/floaty-thingy. I feel like that wouldn’t do me much good, though. If I had absolutely no idea where I was and it was ridiculously sunny outside all the time, why would I want to aimlessly float around on something that could sink at any moment and risk the chance of dying of a heat stroke?

On second thought, maybe I’d just find a way to build a gigantic fire…


I Am REALLY Good At Giving Annoying Nicknames (It’s A Gift) February 27, 2014

So the other day, I was talking to one of my best guy friends, and he was talking about how much he wanted to get off the computer/ stop doing school so that he could go outside.

Him: I’m WAITING so I can get off and go play in a creek I found yesterday. It literally stretches for like, a mile or two. It’s gonna be so fun. I’m gonna jump over it so many times! :D

Me:…Well…that sounds like a very….guy thing to do….BUT I’M EXCITED FOR YOU! You have fun! Jumping over your mile long creek…

So then the next day, I was asking him how it went.

Me: So how’re you, creek jumper boy?

Him: Life is turning out pretty well over here!

Me: Awesome!

Him:…CREEK JUMPER?! I actually didn’t go jump all I wanted to, but I did do it a couple of times.

Me: Dude, I said that forever ago…But I’m just saying, that still makes you a creek jumper boy

Him: Don’t nickname me that. I’m the guard, remember(we have this inside joke where I’m a princess and he’s a bodyguard…long story)?

Me: Dude, it’s WAY too late. You should’ve stopped it when it started.

Him: No, seriously. that’s stupid. All the other nicknames are fine(I give people TONS of nicknames)…just not that one.

Me: But it’s say fun to say…AND it’s cute! And it’s fun to say…AND IT’S ALSO TRUE



Him: No I’M NOT. I’m a simple human being that may or may not like to go to the creek.

Me: Well considering this has become an actual topic of conversation, I would think that yes, you do like the creek. And also that you are a forest person that somehow has a computer and password for internet connection.

Him: Whatever!! I ain’t no forest thingie

Me: Whaaaaateverrrr…

I LOVE my friends.


How Did This Even Happen… February 26, 2014

So this semester, I decided to take a Journalism as an elective. This, I thought, would be BEYOND perfect. When I was younger, I used to want to be a reporter (along with a football player, a ballerina, a doctor, and teacher, a botanist, and girl version of Watson…) and I already love to write.

PERFECT, I told myself.

So the week before last, we submitted a story proposal. I picked to cover a girl from a local high school that was one of 16 people who received a computing award.

Last week, we submitted possible interview questions.

Then we went over good leads and kickers and proper news story layouts.

Not ONCE that ENTIRE TIME did it occur to me that I’d ACTUALLY have to interview a REAL LIFE person. Not once. Ever.

Now, I know I’m pretty smart (by pretty smart, I mean I know how to type and tie my shoes. And use the mailbox and I know how to climb up and down the stairs. Most of the time).


So NOW, I thought, I have to go hunt down this girl’s cell phone.

While looking for her cell phone number, I also found out that she was also chosen for the Senate Youth Program and scholarship.She also organized a fundraiser for a rape crisis center. She ALSO one of the 35 HS Women to win a Leading Technology Award. And to TOP IT ALL OFF, she’s ALSO the Kansas State Rep for the D.A.R.E. America Youth Advisory Board.

OF ALL THE STUFF SHE’S DONE, I chose to pick the topic of her winning a computing award…..

How does this only happen to me…

On another note that really pertains to this note but I’m making a new sentence for it anyways, it’s people like this that makes me feel lazy. I mean, Senate Youth Program? Scholarships? THE D.A.R.E YOUTH COMMITTEE?!

Oh, and my mom also made apple pie. It was very yummy.


Nope, I’m not the murderer… July 26, 2013

Have you ever had that feeling where you talk to somebody, then somebody asks them something, and then the response gives you the sneaking suspicion that they were probably  talking about you? I’m kinda hoping so…just to make sure that it’s not JUST me or anything. Cause that would be weird. And slightly disturbing for me.

So this week, my mom and dad went and drove to Kansas (yes, they drove…) to look at some houses for our move (I’m pretty sure I mentioned that in the last post). Pretty sure they picked out a house too. I’m kinda excited…mostly not though. I mean, we’ve only lived here for two years…but MY HEART WILL ALWAYS STAY IN GEORGIA :’D

Oh, by the way, I got an ask a loooong time ago. I just forgot to post the link. And since I’m much too lazy to do all the clicking that is required to post the link under my ‘About Me’ page-link thingy, I’ll just put it here.

Happy browsing!



GUESS WHAT?!? January 15, 2013

Filed under: 2013,in the beginning,keeping it real,slowly dying... — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 5:38 pm

So I suppose that I should add a new post on here…
Well, nothing’s going on. Seriously.
Well, there is…okay, re-phrasing.
Nothing non-personal/shareable is going on. Seriously.

Yupp, that’s right….HEY! I CAN DO THAT 30 DAY THING! Just gotta go see where I left off…


Ahh…the Yew Near January 1, 2013

Filed under: 2013,keeping it real,Uncategorized,what the freakin heck O.o — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 1:21 pm

…I mean, New Year.
So, heeeey! After a long…cold…long-cold….long…..and cold….and very present filled Winter Break (even though it’s not even over yet), I am back!
…With nothing to report.
Well, other than I took on a reading challenge to read 195 books by the end of the year. I’ll probably end up doing around 300-something now, but it’s a challenge, so BRING IT GOODREADS!! >:D


Continuation of the White House post thingy December 12, 2012

Filed under: in the beginning,keeping it real,OHHHH THE HUMANITY — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 8:10 pm

So I asked some of my friends why the heck the White House needed so many social pages, and I got an answer from two of them….

WOW I’m never doing that again.

Just an fyi, you never know how deeply you care about polotics until somebody starts a debate about the presidential election…

On a more interesting/happier note, almost all of my friends and I will be able to vote at the next election! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?

I’ve gotten so old…. *tries to delicately sniff but ends up sounding like I’m wheezing*


IT’S 12/12/12 ALREADY?!?

Filed under: in the beginning,keeping it real,Uncategorized — pinkdoughnuts15 @ 8:09 am

Actually, I didn’t even know until my friend told me this morning…so YOUR NOT INCREDIBLY LATE LIKE ME, IT’S OKAY!

I celebrated my birthday with some of my friends early this morning (although why today, of all days, I have no clue), and GOSH it was fun! We had doughnuts and these orange roll thingies (which tastes so freakin awesome)…it was just fun.

Two favorite songs of the moment:

Don’t You Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia(I first heard this yesterday….MAN it’s awesome)(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1MN4pR5wXM)


Red by Taylor Swift (GOSH I LOVE HERRRR) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBkJ9QFWGBw)


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