
Creative Writing Inc.

About December 7, 2012

Hellooo earthlings! Or aliens. Or zombies. Or ghosts. Or vampires. Or whoever else might be reading this. OH! Or clowns.
Welcome to my blog!

This blog has nothing particular in mind…it’s just a creative outlet that I use as….a creative outlet. Feel free to do whatever you want, just no copying or plagiarizing or anything related to either of those, because what I write is MINE.
I WILL hire someone to stalk you down and steal all your cookies.

You have been warned.

UPDATE: After a certain point in life, you realize how silly you sound. SO, I’ve decided to kind of re-do my about page, but leave this one because I find it amusing.


14 Responses to “About”

  1. […] Veci, Vidi, Animals Are Rad, PoohLoversUnite, and whoever else feels like joining […]

  2. ConfusedTeen Says:

    Is it weird to go into fangirl mode because of Winnie the Pooh?
    Love your blog between!

  3. Hey there, message from Pooh, here. I’d just like to let you know that you’ve been nominated for The Liebster Award. To collect your prize of one free LARGE jug of Richmond Honey, CLICK HERE: http://thelegendarymiko.wordpress.com/2014/02/08/the-liebster-award/

  4. ‘Ello there! I just nominated you for the Versatile Blog award!
    Just letting you know!

  5. I’m glad you left this up. It’s epic! ^_^

  6. Nominated you for the Sunshine Award… Congratulations! :-)

    Sunshine Award, Iteration Two

  7. I’ve nominated you for the Sisterhood of World Bloggers award. You don’t have to make an acceptance post if you don’t want to, but here goes anyway. :-P

    The Sisterhood of World Bloggers Award

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